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Glossary of Ichthyology - Fish Terms
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machete Tweet Definition of machete Like Definition of machete on Facebook
  1. A sword-like tool used for cutting large plants with a chopping motion. A machete's blade is usually 50 to 65 centimeters (cm) long, and up to three millimeters (mm) thick.
verb (machet, ing)
  1. To cut or chop with a machete.
After some hours of intense work, we had macheted a path through the jungle to the bank of the river.
  1. To hack or chop crudely with a blade other than a machete.
You can't just about with a rapier and expect to succeed; you need to thrust properly.
mackerel Tweet Definition of mackerel Like Definition of mackerel on Facebook
  1. an edible fish of the family Scombridae, often speckled.
mackinaw trout Tweet Definition of mackinaw trout Like Definition of mackinaw trout on Facebook
  1. The North American lake trout, wikispecies:Salvelinus namaycush, Salvelinus namaycush.
man-eater Tweet Definition of man-eater Like Definition of man-eater on Facebook
  1. An animal that has a reputation for eating humans, such as the tiger or shark.
  2. A cannibal.
  3. (context, by extension, slang) A woman with a threatening attitude, often readily taking and discarding male romantic partners.
Margate Tweet Definition of Margate Like Definition of Margate on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. A coastal town in Kent, England.
marlin Tweet Definition of marlin Like Definition of marlin on Facebook
noun (plural marlins)
  1. A game fish having a pointed spearlike upper jaw belonging to either of the genera Tetrapturus or Makaira.
maskinonge Tweet Definition of maskinonge Like Definition of maskinonge on Facebook
  1. The muskellunge
menhaden Tweet Definition of menhaden Like Definition of menhaden on Facebook
noun (plural or menhadens)
  1. Any of several species of fish in the genera Brevoortia and Ethmidium, used for fish meal, fish oil, fertilizer, and bait
milt Tweet Definition of milt Like Definition of milt on Facebook
  1. the spleen, especially of a domestic animal
  • 1983: Adam Kadmon had pneumonia. Friar Goat cured it by tying a bullock"s to the soles of the lad"s feet, and burying the milt afterwards. Adam Kadmon immediately contracted the thrush. " Robert Nye, The Facts of Life
    1. fish semen
milter Tweet Definition of milter Like Definition of milter on Facebook
  1. A male fish.
minnow Tweet Definition of minnow Like Definition of minnow on Facebook
  1. A small freshwater fish of the carp family
  2. More generally, any small fish
Molly Tweet Definition of Molly Like Definition of Molly on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. (given name, female, ) An English and Irish pet name for Mary
monkfish Tweet Definition of monkfish Like Definition of monkfish on Facebook
noun (plural or monkfishes)
  1. Any large bottom-dwelling anglerfish of the genus Lophius, such as Lophius piscatorius, of the Atlantic, having a large head and mouth.
  2. angel shark, Angel sharks of the genus Squatina.
Moon Tweet Definition of Moon Like Definition of Moon on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. The Earth's moon; the sole natural satellite of the Earth, represented in astronomy and astrology by �.
moray Tweet Definition of moray Like Definition of moray on Facebook
  1. any of the large cosmopolitan carnivorous eels of the family Muraenidae.
Mort Tweet Definition of Mort Like Definition of Mort on Facebook
proper noun (infl, en, proper noun)
  1. (given name, male, , ), often a diminutive of Mortimer
mudskipper Tweet Definition of mudskipper Like Definition of mudskipper on Facebook
noun (plural mudskippers)
  1. Any of various goby, gobies of the subfamily Oxudercinae that are able to survive out of water by breathing through their skins and having strong pectoral fins that act as simple legs.
mullet Tweet Definition of mullet Like Definition of mullet on Facebook
noun (mullet or mullets)
  1. A fish of the genus Mugil.
mulloway Tweet Definition of mulloway Like Definition of mulloway on Facebook
  1. any of several large, predatory fish, of the genus Argyosomus, found along the eastern coast of Africa and the coasts of Australia; they are prized as sport
muskellunge Tweet Definition of muskellunge Like Definition of muskellunge on Facebook
noun (muskellunge)
  1. A large freshwater gamefish of the pike family, native to the lakes and rivers of eastern and middle western North America.
muskie Tweet Definition of muskie Like Definition of muskie on Facebook
  1. see muskellunge

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