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Glossary of Plants Terms
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fabaceous Tweet Definition of fabaceous Like Definition of fabaceous on Facebook
adjective , L. fabaceus, fr. faba bean.
  1. Having the nature of a bean; like a bean.
fairy primrose Tweet Definition of fairy primrose Like Definition of fairy primrose on Facebook
  1. A Chinese ornamental (Primula malcoides) grown for its large, rose to pink flowers grouped in many-flowered umbels.
fennel Tweet Definition of fennel Like Definition of fennel on Facebook
  1. A plant, Foeniculum vulgare, of the parsley family.
  2. The bulb, leaf, leaves, stalks, or seeds of the plant used as ingredients in cooking.
fenugreek Tweet Definition of fenugreek Like Definition of fenugreek on Facebook
  1. A spice made from the seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum, used in Indian and Thai cooking.
Fern Tweet Definition of Fern Like Definition of Fern on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. (given name, female) from the fern plant.
fescue Tweet Definition of fescue Like Definition of fescue on Facebook
  1. A straw, wire, stick, etc., used chiefly to point out letters to children when learning to read.
    • 1997: "Now then," Mason rapping upon the Table"s Edge with a sinister-looking Fescue of Ebony, whose List of Uses simple Indication does not quite exhaust, whilst the Girls squirm pleasingly " Thomas Pynchon, Mason & Dixon
  2. A hardy grass commonly used to border golf fairways in temperate climates.
fig Tweet Definition of fig Like Definition of fig on Facebook
noun (plural: figs)
  1. A tree or shrub of the genus Ficus that is native mainly to the tropics and produces a fruit of the same name.
  2. The fruit of the fig, pear-shaped and containing many small seeds.
fig leaf Tweet Definition of fig leaf Like Definition of fig leaf on Facebook
  1. A leaf of the fig plant.
  2. A representation of leaf of a fig plant used to cover the genitals of a nude figure in a work of art (alluding to Genesis iii 7, in which Adam and Eve use fig leaves to hide their nakedness).
  3. (context, figuratively) Anything used to conceal something undesirable or that one does not want to be discovered.
filbert Tweet Definition of filbert Like Definition of filbert on Facebook
  1. A small nut that grows on large bushes. The hazelnut.
  2. A paintbrush used in oil and acrylic painting with a long ferrule and a curving, tongue-shaped head.
fimble Tweet Definition of fimble Like Definition of fimble on Facebook
  1. the male hemp plant
fir Tweet Definition of fir Like Definition of fir on Facebook
  1. A conifer of the genus Abies.
flag Tweet Definition of flag Like Definition of flag on Facebook
  1. A piece of cloth, often decorated with an emblem, used as a visual signal or symbol.
  2. (context, nautical) A flag flown by a ship to show the presence on board of the admiral; the admiral himself, or his flagship.
  3. The use of a flag, especially to indicate the start of a race or other event.
  4. (context, computer science) A variable or memory location that stores a true-or-false, yes-or-no value, typically either recording the fact that a certain event has occurred or requesting that a certain optional action take place.
  5. (context, computer science) In a CLI, command line interface, a notation requesting optional behavior or otherwise modifying the action of the command being invoked.
verb (flag, g, ing)
  1. To mark with a flag, especially to indicate the importance of
  2. (often with down) To signal to, especially to stop a passing vehicle etc.
    • Please a taxi down for me.
      1. (intransitive) To weaken, become feeble.
    • ''His strength flagged toward the end of the race.
      1. (context, computing): To signal (an event).
    • The compiler flagged three errors.
      1. (context, computing): To set a program variable to true.
    • Flag the debug option before running the program.
  1. Of or pertaining to an admiral, commodore, or general officer.
    • Captains park in the second row, officers next to the building. =
flamboyant Tweet Definition of flamboyant Like Definition of flamboyant on Facebook
  1. A showy tropical tree, the royal poinciana (Delonix regia)
  1. showy, Showy, bold or audacious in behaviour, appearance, etc.
  2. (architecture) Referred to as the final stage of French Gothic architecture from the 14th to the 16th centuries.
flax Tweet Definition of flax Like Definition of flax on Facebook
  1. A plant of the genus Linum, esp. L. usitatissimum, which has a single, slender stalk, about a foot and a half high, with blue flowers. Also known as linseed, especially when referring to the seeds.
  2. The fibers of Linum usitatissimum, grown to make linen and related textiles.
flowering plant Tweet Definition of flowering plant Like Definition of flowering plant on Facebook
  1. any plant that produces flowers and fruit; an angiosperm
forbidden fruit Tweet Definition of forbidden fruit Like Definition of forbidden fruit on Facebook
  1. The fruit forbidden to w:Adam, Adam.
  2. (idiom) Illicit pleasure; something that one should not take or get involved with, such as an another person's spouse.
forget-me-not Tweet Definition of forget-me-not Like Definition of forget-me-not on Facebook
noun (plural forget-me-nots)
  1. A genus of flowering plants of the genus Myosotis, mostly with a small 5-petalled blue flower.
forsythia Tweet Definition of forsythia Like Definition of forsythia on Facebook
  1. Any of several shrubs, of the genus Forsythia, native to Asia and Eastern Europe, that are cultivated for their yellow flowers that bloom in early spring
foxglove Tweet Definition of foxglove Like Definition of foxglove on Facebook
  1. (botany) Digitalis, a genus of about 20 species of herbaceous biennials native to the Old World, certain of which are prized for their showy flowers. The drug digitalis or digoxin was first isolated from the plant.
fox grape Tweet Definition of fox grape Like Definition of fox grape on Facebook
  1. The native eastern North American grape, Vitis labrusca, with many cultivars, of which the Concord grape is the most important.
frankincense Tweet Definition of frankincense Like Definition of frankincense on Facebook
  1. a type of incense obtained from the Boswellia thurifera tree
freesia Tweet Definition of freesia Like Definition of freesia on Facebook
  1. Any flowering plant of the genus Freesia, native to South Africa.
fuchsia Tweet Definition of fuchsia Like Definition of fuchsia on Facebook
  1. A popular garden plant, of the genus Fuchsia, of the Onagraceae family, shrubs with red, pink or purple flowers.
  2. (colour) a purplish-red color, colour, the color of fuchsin, an aniline dye.
<table><tr><td>fuchsia color: &nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="fuchsia" width="80">&nbsp; </td></tr></table>
  1. (colour) having a purplish-red colour.
fumitory Tweet Definition of fumitory Like Definition of fumitory on Facebook
  1. a genus of annual herbaceous flowering plants in the family Fumariaceae, native to temperate Europe and Asia.
fustic Tweet Definition of fustic Like Definition of fustic on Facebook
  1. A tropical American tree, Chlorophora tinctoria or Maclura tinctoria, whose wood produces a yellow dye. Also called old fustic or fustoc.
  2. A European tree, Cotinus coggyria or Rhus cotinus, whose wood produces an orange dye. Also called young fustic or fustet.
  3. The wood of these trees.
  4. A yellow dye obtained from the wood of these trees.

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