universal |
| adjective
- Of or pertaining to the universe.
- Common to all members of a group or class.
- Useful for many purposes, e.g., universal wrench.
universal quantifier |
| noun (plural universal quantifiers)
- (logic) The operator, represented by the symbol �, used in predicate calculus to indicate that a predicate is true for all members of a specified set.
- Some verbal equivalents are "for each" or "for every".
Universe |
| proper noun the Universe
- The sum of everything that exists in the cosmos, including time and space itself.
- Powerful telescopes look far back into the distant reaches of the visible universe.
utilitarian |
| noun - someone who practices or advocates utilitarianism
adjective - of or relating to utility
- practical and functional
utilitarianism |
| noun
- the philosophy that something's value may be measured by its usefulness
- the theory that action should be directed toward achieving the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people"
utility |
| noun (utilit, ies)
- (economics) The ability of a commodity to satisfy needs or wants.
- The state or condition of being useful; usefulness.
- Something that is useful.
- A service provider, such as an electric company and water company.
utopia |
| noun
- A world in which everything and everyone works in perfect harmony.
- The satirical treatise on government by w:Thomas More, Sir Thomas More, from which the term was coined.
utopian |
| adjective
- ideal but often impractical; visionary