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beaker Tweet Definition of beaker Like Definition of beaker on Facebook
  1. A flat-bottomed vessel, with a lip, used as a laboratory container
  2. A drinking vessel without a handle, sometimes for the use of children
  3. A mug
belleek Tweet Definition of belleek Like Definition of belleek on Facebook
  1. Pottery made in the town of Balleek.
biscuit Tweet Definition of biscuit Like Definition of biscuit on Facebook
  1. A cookie.
  2. A small bread usually made with baking soda, similar in texture to a scone, but usually not sweet.
  3. A form of unglazed earthenware.
  4. (context, nautical) The "bread" formerly supplied to naval ships; made with very little water, kneaded into flat cakes and slowly baked; often infested with weevils.
  5. (colour) A light brown colour.
<table><tr><td>biscuit colour: &nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="
  1. FCE7D3?" width="80">&nbsp; </td></tr></table>
block Tweet Definition of block Like Definition of block on Facebook
  1. A substantial, often approximately cuboid, piece of any substance.
A of ice.
A of stone.
  1. A cuboid of wood, plastic or other material used as a base on which to cut something.
Anne Boleyn placed her head on the and awaited her execution.
  1. A group of urban lots of property, several acres in extent, not crossed by public streets
I'm going for a walk around the .
  1. A group of buildings in a city or town, demarcated by streets.
A of flats.
  1. The distance from one street to another in a city that is built (approximately) to a grid pattern.
The place you are looking for is two long blocks east and one short north.
  1. (slang) The human head.
I'll knock your off.
  1. A set of sheets (of paper) joined together at one end.
A of 100 tickets.
  1. (computing) A logical data storage unit containing one ore more physical sector, sectors (see cluster).
  2. (context, rigging) A case with one or more sheaves/pulleys, used with ropes to increase or redirect force, for example, as part of the rigging of a sailing ship.
  3. (chemistry) A portion of a macromolecule, comprising many units, that has at least one feature not present in adjacent portions.
  4. Something that prevents something from passing (see blockage).
There's a in the pipe that means the water can't get through.
  1. (sports) An action to interfere with the movement of an opposing player or of the object of play (ball, puck).
  2. (Cricket) A shot played by holding he bat vertically in the path of the ball, so that it loses momentum and drops to the ground.
  3. (volleyball) A defensive play by one or more players meant to deflect a spiked ball back to the hitter"s court.
(WikiSaurus?-link, head)
  1. (transitive) To fill (something) so that it is not possible to pass.
The pipe is blocked.
  1. (transitive) To prevent (something or someone) from passing.
You're blocking the road - I can't get through.
  1. (transitive) To prevent (something from happening or someone from doing something).
His plan to take over the business was blocked by the boss.
  1. (transitive) The act of impeding an opponent in sports.
He blocked the basketball player's shot.
The offensive lineman, offensive linemen tried to the blitz.
  1. (transitive, theater) To specify the positions and movements of the actors.
It was very difficult to this scene convincingly.
  1. (transitive, Cricket) To hit with a block.
  2. (intransitive, Cricket) To play a block shot.
blowpipe Tweet Definition of blowpipe Like Definition of blowpipe on Facebook
noun (wikipedia, blowpipe (tool))
  1. (chemistry) a narrow tube through which a jet of air is directed onto a flame; used in the analysis of minerals etc and in jewelry manufacture
  2. a weapon through which darts may be shot by blowing; a blowgun
  3. a long narrow pipe, rotated in the hands, upon which glassware is blown
(wikipedia, blowgun)      
boat Tweet Definition of boat Like Definition of boat on Facebook
  1. A craft used for transportation of goods, fishing, racing, recreational cruising, or military use on or in the water, propelled by oars or outboard motor or inboard motor or by wind.
  2. (context, poker slang) A full house
  1. To travel by boat.
body Tweet Definition of body Like Definition of body on Facebook
noun (bodies)
  1. The physical structure of a human or animal seen as one single organism.
I saw them walking from a distance, their bodies strangely angular in the dawn light.
  1. The fleshly or corporeal nature of a human, as opposed to the spirit or soul.
The is driven by desires, but the soul is at peace.
  1. A corpse.
Her was found at four o'clock, just two hours after the murder.
  1. The torso, the main structure of a human or animal frame excluding the extremity, extremities (limbs, head, tail).
The boxer took a blow to the .
  1. The largest or most important part of anything, as distinct from its appendages or accessory, accessories.
The bumpers and front tyres were ruined, but the of the car was in remarkable shape.
  1. (archaic) The section of a dress extending from the neck to the waist, excluding the arms.
Penny was in the scullery, pressing the of her new dress.
  1. An organisation, company or other authoritative group.
The local train operating company is the managing for this section of track.
  1. A group of men or people having a common purpose or opinion; a mass.
I was escorted from the building by a of armed security guards.
  1. A unified collection of details, knowledge or information.
We have now amassed a of evidence which points to one conclusion.
  1. Any physical object or material thing.
All bodies are held together by internal forces.
  1. Substance; physical presence.
We have given to what was just a vague idea.
  1. Comparative viscosity, solidity or substance (in wine, colours etc.).
The rioja, sadly, lacked .
  1. (programming) The code of a subroutine, contrasted to its signature and parameters.W:Subroutine, W
bone china Tweet Definition of bone china Like Definition of bone china on Facebook
  1. an English form of porcelain made from clay mixed with bone ash
borosilicate glass Tweet Definition of borosilicate glass Like Definition of borosilicate glass on Facebook
  1. a heat-resistant glass made with the addition of boric oxide
bowl Tweet Definition of bowl Like Definition of bowl on Facebook
  1. A roughly hemispherical container used to hold, mix or present food, such as salad, fruit or soup, or other items.
  2. As much as is held by a bowl.
You can't have any more soup - you've had three bowls already.
  1. The ball rolled by players in the game of lawn bowls.
  2. (also pudding bowl or bowl cut) A haircut in which straight hair is cut at an even height around the edges, forming a bowl shape.
  3. A round crater (or similar) in the ground.
  4. The action of bowling a ball.
  5. (in plural bowls but used with a singular verb) The game of lawn bowls.
  6. (American football) an important annual game, such as the Orange Bowl, the Rose Bowl, or the Superbowl
  1. (transitive) To roll or throw (a ball) in the correct manner in cricket and similar games and sports.
    1. (intransitive) To throw the ball (in cricket and similar games and sports).

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