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Glossary of Botanical Terms
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vagina Tweet Definition of vagina Like Definition of vagina on Facebook
noun (pl2=vaginae)
  1. (anatomy) The passage leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus in female mammals.
  2. (zoology) A similar part in some invertebrates.
  3. (botany) A sheath-like structure, such as the leaf of a grass that surrounds a stem.
  4. (colloquial) The vulva.
vascular plant Tweet Definition of vascular plant Like Definition of vascular plant on Facebook
  1. (botany): Any plant possessing vascular tissue (xylem and phloem), including ferns, conifers, and flowering plants.
vascular tissue Tweet Definition of vascular tissue Like Definition of vascular tissue on Facebook
  1. (anatomy): The artery, arteries, veins,capillary, capillaries, and associated tissues in an animal.
  2. (context, Phytotomy): The xylem, phloem, and associated tissues in a vascular plant.
vegetable Tweet Definition of vegetable Like Definition of vegetable on Facebook
  1. Any plant.
  2. A plant raised for some edible part of it, such as the leaves, roots, fruit or flowers, but excluding any plant considered to be a fruit in the culinary sense.
  3. The edible part of such a plant.
  4. (Metaph.) A person whose body or brain has been damaged so that they cannot interact with the surrounding environment.
  1. Of or relating to plants.
  2. Of or relating to vegetables.
vegetation Tweet Definition of vegetation Like Definition of vegetation on Facebook
  1. Plants collectively.
There were large amounts of vegetation in the forest.
also you could say "there are large amounts of vegetation growing in the forest"
vegetative Tweet Definition of vegetative Like Definition of vegetative on Facebook
  1. Of, or relating to plants; especially to their growth.
  2. (biology) Of, or relating to functions such as growth, nutrition and asexual reproduction rather than sexual reproduction.
  3. Physically inactive.
  4. (medicine) Of a state of impaired brain function, where a person can respond to some stimuli but is incapable of voluntary acts.
vein Tweet Definition of vein Like Definition of vein on Facebook
  1. (anatomy) A blood vessel that transports blood from the capillary, capillaries back to the heart.
  2. (used in plural veins) The entrails of a shrimp.
  3. (botany) In leaves, a thickened portion of the leaf containing the vascular bundle.
  4. (zoology) The nervure of an insect"s wing.
  5. A stripe or streak of a different colour or composition in materials such as wood, cheese, marble or other rocks.
  6. A topic of discussion.
...and on a different vein, can we discuss...
  1. A style, tendency, or quality of something.
veinlet Tweet Definition of veinlet Like Definition of veinlet on Facebook
noun (plural veinlets)
  1. A small or secondary vein, especially on the wing of an insect.
veiny Tweet Definition of veiny Like Definition of veiny on Facebook
adjective (comparative veinier, superlative veiniest)
  1. Having prominent veins.
verdant Tweet Definition of verdant Like Definition of verdant on Facebook
  1. green, Green in colour.
  2. abundant, Abundant in verdure.
  3. fresh, Fresh.
  4. inexperienced, Inexperienced.
verdure Tweet Definition of verdure Like Definition of verdure on Facebook
  1. A condition of health and vigour.
  2. The greenness of lush or growing vegetation; also: the vegetation itself.
versatile Tweet Definition of versatile Like Definition of versatile on Facebook
  1. capable of doing many things competently
  2. having varied uses or many functions
  3. changeable or inconstant
  4. (biology) capable of moving freely in all directions
  5. (context, gay slang) Of a homosexual man, not having a preference for penetrating or being penetrated in anal sex.
vessel Tweet Definition of vessel Like Definition of vessel on Facebook
  1. (nautical) A general term for all kinds of craft designed for transportation on water, such as ships or boats.
    • 1719: w:Daniel Defoe, Daniel Defoe, w:Robinson Crusoe, Robinson Crusoe
    • : ''But my hope was, that if I stood along this coast till I came to that part where the English traded, I should find some of their vessels upon their usual design of trade, that would relieve and take us in.
      1. A container.
      2. A person as a container of qualities or feelings.
    • Dolly Parton, The Seeker lyrics:
    • :I am a that"s empty and useless <BR />I am a bad seed that fell by the way<BR />I am a loser that wants to be a winner<BR />And you are my last hope<BR />Don"t turn me away.
      1. (biology) A tube or canal that carries fluid in an animal or plant.
      blood or lymph vessels in humans, xylem or phloem vessels in plants
viable Tweet Definition of viable Like Definition of viable on Facebook
  1. (archaic) Able to live on its own (as for a newborn.)
  2. Able to be done, possible.
vigorous Tweet Definition of vigorous Like Definition of vigorous on Facebook
  1. physically strong and active
villous Tweet Definition of villous Like Definition of villous on Facebook
  1. being hairy, covered with soft long hair
villus Tweet Definition of villus Like Definition of villus on Facebook
noun (vill, i)
  1. (biology) a small projection from a mucous membrane, particularly those found in the intestines
vinca Tweet Definition of vinca Like Definition of vinca on Facebook
  1. Any of several evergreen shrubs, of the genus Vinca, including the periwinkle
viscid Tweet Definition of viscid Like Definition of viscid on Facebook
  1. viscous, Viscous; having a high viscosity.
  2. Sticky, slimy, or glutinous.
  3. Covered with a viscid layer.
viviparous Tweet Definition of viviparous Like Definition of viviparous on Facebook
  1. A 'born alive' birth of a biological animal, such as most mammals, some reptiles and a few fish (as opposed to an egg-laying animal such as a chicken)
adverb viviparously :Dutch: levendbarend
  1. (defn, English)

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