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Glossary of Reptiles and Amphibians Terms
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bale Tweet Definition of bale Like Definition of bale on Facebook
  1. evil, Evil, especially considered as an active force for destruction or death.
  2. suffering, Suffering, woe, torment.
verb (bal, es)
  1. (transitive) To wrap into a bale.
basilisk Tweet Definition of basilisk Like Definition of basilisk on Facebook
noun Basilisk
  1. a mythical snake-like creature reputed to be so venomous its gaze was deadly
"The deadly look of the basilisk"
  1. a type of lizard (genus Basiliscus)
  2. a type of large brass cannon
batrachian Tweet Definition of batrachian Like Definition of batrachian on Facebook
  1. A frog or toad.
  • 1976: The warmth of his defence of the toad led me to suspect uneasily that a close search of his quarters would pretty certainly reveal a comfortable vivarium somewhere, bursting with the little batrachians. " Kyril Bonfiglioli, Something Nasty in the Woodshed (Penguin 2001, p. 421)
  1. Pertaining to a frog or toad.
  • 1939: At this Lena smiled again with that mirthless grin. " Henry Miller, Tropic Of Capricorn
  • 1965: His lips pursed into a smile, and he dug again into the honey. " John Fowles, The Magus
    blindworm Tweet Definition of blindworm Like Definition of blindworm on Facebook
    1. the slowworm
    boa Tweet Definition of boa Like Definition of boa on Facebook
    1. Any of a group of large American snakes, of the genus Boa, including the boa constrictor, the emperor boa of Mexico, and the chevalier boa of Peru.
    2. A type of scarf typically made from feathers.
    boa constrictor Tweet Definition of boa constrictor Like Definition of boa constrictor on Facebook
    1. A large tropical American snake, Boa constrictor, that kills its prey by squeezing them
    boomslang Tweet Definition of boomslang Like Definition of boomslang on Facebook
    noun (boomslang, pl2=boomslangs)
    1. A highly venomous snake found in sub-Saharan Africa. Dispholidus typus
    bullfrog Tweet Definition of bullfrog Like Definition of bullfrog on Facebook
    noun (plural bullfrogs)
    1. Any of various large frogs of genus Rana, that have a deep croak and are native to North America.

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