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synthesizer Tweet Definition of synthesizer Like Definition of synthesizer on Facebook
  1. (music) An electronic instrument that creates its sounds with electronics and has a keyboard.
  2. (music) An electronic instrument module that creates its sounds with electronics and do not have any keyboard.
  3. (electronics) An electronic circuit that generates an electronic signal oscillation with accurate timing from a reference oscillator.
  4. (electronics) An electronic device that generates electronic signal patterns to test an electronic circuit.
S Tweet Definition of S Like Definition of S on Facebook
  1. The nineteenth letter of the Appendix:Roman script, English alphabet, preceded by R and followed by T.
sackbut Tweet Definition of sackbut Like Definition of sackbut on Facebook
  1. (music) A brass instrument from the Renaissance and Baroque Eras, and is an ancestor of the modern trombone. It was derived from the medieval slide trumpet.
Salome Tweet Definition of Salome Like Definition of Salome on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. a feminine given name
samisen Tweet Definition of samisen Like Definition of samisen on Facebook
noun (samisen)
  1. a kind of three-stringed Japanese lute
  • 1982: He sees her chastened and cast-down eyes as she kneels and tinkles away on her " John Fowles, Mantissa
saxophone Tweet Definition of saxophone Like Definition of saxophone on Facebook
  1. (musici) A single reed instrument musical instrument of the woodwind family, usually made of brass and with a distinctive loop bringing the bell upwards
Scheherazade Tweet Definition of Scheherazade Like Definition of Scheherazade on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. The virgin storyteller of the king in w:One Thousand and One Nights, One Thousand and One Nights
  2. A musical suite by w:Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakow inspired by this character
  3. Two pieces by w:Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel
scherzo Tweet Definition of scherzo Like Definition of scherzo on Facebook
noun (pl=scherzos, pl2=scherzi)
  1. (music) A piece of music or a movement from a larger piece such as a symphony; especially, a piece of music played in a playful manner.
    • 1980, Anthony Burgess, Earthly Powers:
    • : At seven Val knocked " three shorts and one long, out of the of Beethoven"s Fifth " and I rushed to open.
scordatura Tweet Definition of scordatura Like Definition of scordatura on Facebook
  1. cross-tuning; a system of tuning a musical instrument to pitches other than the accepted standard, for example, tuning one or more strings of a violin to pitches other than the commonly accepted GDAE.
scroll Tweet Definition of scroll Like Definition of scroll on Facebook
  1. A roll of paper or parchment; a writing formed into a roll; a schedule; a list.
  2. (architecture) An ornament formed of undulations giving off spirals or sprays, usually suggestive of plant form. Roman architectural ornament is largely of some scroll pattern.
  3. A mark or flourish added to a person's signature, intended to represent a seal, and in some States allowed as a substitute for a seal. U.S. Burrill.
  4. (geometry) a skew surface.
  1. (context, Computing): to change one's view of data on a computer's display using a scroll bar or a scroll wheel.
second Tweet Definition of second Like Definition of second on Facebook
noun (rfc-level, Noun at L4+ not in L3 Ety section)
  1. The SI unit of time, defined as the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of caesium-133 in a ground state at a temperature of absolute zero and at rest; one-sixtieth of a minute.
  2. A unit of angle equal to one-sixtieth of a minute of arc or one part in 3600 of a degree.
  3. A short, indeterminate amount of time.
I'll be there in a .
  1. (context, usually in the plural) A manufactured item that, though still usable, fails to meet quality control standards.
They were discounted because they contained blemishes, nicks or were otherwise factory seconds.
  1. The attendant of a contestant in a duel or box, boxing match, who must be ready to take over if the contestant drops out. In the case of a duel, the seconds may also fight each other at 90° to the other contestants.
  2. One who agrees in addition, or such a motion, as required in certain meetings to pass judgement etc.
If we want the motion to pass, we will need a .
  1. Another chance to achieve what should have been done the first time, usually indicating success this time around. (See second-guess.)
  2. The second gear of an engine.
  3. (baseball) second base, Second base.
  1. (transitive) To agree as a second person to (a proposal), usually to reach a necessary quorum of two.
I the motion.
section Tweet Definition of section Like Definition of section on Facebook
  1. A cutting; a part cut out from the rest of something.
  2. A part, piece, division.
  3. A part of a document.
  1. To cut, divide or separate into pieces.
  2. To commit, as for mental health reasons
segue Tweet Definition of segue Like Definition of segue on Facebook
  1. An instance of segueing, a transition.
verb (segues, segueing, segued, segued)
  1. To move smoothly from one state or subject to another.
I can tell she's going to from our conversation about school to the topic of marriage.
  1. (music) To make a smooth transition from one theme to another.
Beethoven's symphonies effortlessly from one theme to the next.
  1. (context, of a disk jockey) To play a sequence of records with no talk between them.
semibreve Tweet Definition of semibreve Like Definition of semibreve on Facebook
noun , plural semibreves
  1. (music) half note
semiquaver Tweet Definition of semiquaver Like Definition of semiquaver on Facebook
noun (plural: semiquavers)
  1. (music) a sixteenth note, drawn as a crotchet with two tails.
semitone Tweet Definition of semitone Like Definition of semitone on Facebook
  1. (music) The interval between adjacent keys on a keyboard instrument; a half tone in the standard diatonic scale
sempre Tweet Definition of sempre Like Definition of sempre on Facebook
  1. (context, music, as a qualifier) always, still
sentence Tweet Definition of sentence Like Definition of sentence on Facebook
  1. (grammar) A grammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate, even if one or the other is implied, and typically beginning with a capital letter and ending with a full stop.
The children were made to construct sentences consisting of nouns and verbs from the list on the chalkboard.
  1. The decision of a jury; a verdict.
The jury returned a of guilt in the first charge, but innocence in the second.
  1. An unfavorable sentence(2): a conviction.
The prisoner was scheduled for execution as all appeals of his had been denied.
  1. The punishment imposed on a person convicted of a crime.
The judge declared a of death by hanging for the infamous cattle rustler.
verb (sentences, sentencing, sentenced)
  1. To declare a sentence on a convicted person.
The judge sentenced the embezzler to ten years in prison, along with a hefty fine.
septet Tweet Definition of septet Like Definition of septet on Facebook
  1. A group of seven; often applied to a musical group of seven performers.
The Lindsey Septet performs at Carnegie Hall this evening.
septuplet Tweet Definition of septuplet Like Definition of septuplet on Facebook
  1. One of a group of seven baby, babies born at the same birth, i.e. one of seven "twins".
sequence Tweet Definition of sequence Like Definition of sequence on Facebook
  1. A set of things next to each other in a set order; a series
  2. A series of musical phrases where a theme or melody is repeated, with some change each time, such as in pitch or length (example: opening of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony).
  3. A musical composition used in some Catholic Masses between the readings. The most famous sequence is the Dies Irae (Day of Wrath) formerly used in funeral services.
  4. (mathematics) An ordered list of objects.
verb (sequences, sequencing, sequenced)
  1. (transitive) to arrange in an order
  2. (transitive) to determine the order of things, especially of amino acids in a protein, or of bases in a nucleic acid
serenade Tweet Definition of serenade Like Definition of serenade on Facebook
  1. a love song, especially one performed below the window of a loved one in the evening
  2. (music) an instrumental composition in several movements
verb (serenades, serenading, serenaded)
  1. to sing or play a serenade (for someone)
(trans-top, serenade)
  • French: sérénader(fr)
  • Romanian: a cí¢nta o serenadÄ�
serpent Tweet Definition of serpent Like Definition of serpent on Facebook
  1. A snake.
  2. (musici) A musical instrument in the brass family, whose shape is suggestive of a snake (w:Serpent (instrument), Wikipedia article).
service Tweet Definition of service Like Definition of service on Facebook
  1. (economics) That which is produced, then traded, bought or sold, then finally consumed and consists of an action or work.
Hair care is a industry.
  1. (computing) A function that is provided by one program or machine for another.
This machine provides the name for the LAN.
  1. The military.
I did three years in the before coming here.
  1. A set of dishes or utensils.
She brought out the silver tea .
  1. The act of initially starting, or serving, the ball in play in tennis, volleyball, and other games.
The player had four faults in the set.
  1. A religious rite or ritual.
The funeral was touching.
  1. The serving, or delivery, of a summons or writ.
The happened yesterday.
  1. (public service) that which is provided by the Government or its agents
The Job Centre provides a to the unemployed.
  1. (religion) Doing something for someone else without thought of reward or payment.
verb (servic, ing)
  1. to serve
They the customer base.
  1. to perform maintenance
He is going to the car.
sestet Tweet Definition of sestet Like Definition of sestet on Facebook
  1. The last six lines of a poem.
sextuplet Tweet Definition of sextuplet Like Definition of sextuplet on Facebook
  1. One of a group of six babies born from the same mother during the same birth.
SF Tweet Definition of SF Like Definition of SF on Facebook
  1. San Francisco
  2. science fiction or speculative fiction, often used to avoid having to choose between the two.
  3. square feet
  4. Sinn Fein , an Irish political party
sforzando Tweet Definition of sforzando Like Definition of sforzando on Facebook
  1. (music) A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played with a strong initial attack
  2. (music) A passage having this mark
  1. (music) describing a passage having this mark
  1. (music) played in this style
shake Tweet Definition of shake Like Definition of shake on Facebook
  1. The act of shaking something.
The cat gave the mouse a .
  1. A milkshake.
  2. Ground-up marijuana.
verb (shakes, shaking, shook, shaken)
  1. (transitive) (ergative) To cause (something) to move rapidly from side to side.
The earthquake shook the building.
  1. (transitive) To disturb emotionally; to shock.
Her father's death shook her terribly.
  1. (transitive) To lose, evade, or get rid of (something)
I can't the feeling that I forgot something.
  1. (intransitive) To move from side to side.
She shook with grief.
  1. (intransitive) To shake hands.
OK, let's on it.
shank Tweet Definition of shank Like Definition of shank on Facebook
  1. The lower part of the leg; shin.
  2. meat, Meat from that part of an animal.
  3. A straight, narrow part of an object; shaft; stem
  4. A protruding part of an object, by which it is or can be attached.
  5. The metal part on a curb bit that falls below the mouthpiece of the bit, which length controls the severity of the leverage action of the bit, and to which the reins of the bridle are attached
  6. (sports) A poorly played golf shot in which the ball is struck by the part of the club head that connects to the shaft. See thin,fat,toe
  7. (slang) An improvised stabbing weapon
  8. (slang) Bad.
  1. (archaic) To travel on foot
  2. (slang) To stab
  1. bad, Bad.
shanty Tweet Definition of shanty Like Definition of shanty on Facebook
noun (shanties)
  1. An old run-down house or shack.
  2. Sailors' work song.
adjective (used with 'Irish')
  1. Pejorative term used on early (mid 1800's), poor, Irish immigrants to USA
That neighborhood is full of Irishmen.
shawm Tweet Definition of shawm Like Definition of shawm on Facebook
  1. a mediaeval wind instrument with a double reed
  • 1985: There are four flutes, a harp of twenty strings, a mournful , and a number of drums of oxhide, some to be struck, others spanked. " Anthony Burgess, Kingdom of the Wicked
sheet music Tweet Definition of sheet music Like Definition of sheet music on Facebook
  1. hand-written, Hand-written or printed form of musical notation.
shift Tweet Definition of shift Like Definition of shift on Facebook
  1. (historical) a type of women's undergarment, a slip
Just last week she bought a new at the market.
  1. a change of workers, now specifically a set group of workers or period of working time
We'll work three shifts a day till the job's done.
  1. an act of shifting; a slight movement or change
There was a in the political atmosphere.
  1. the gear mechanism in a motor vehicle
Does it come with a stick-?
  1. a button on a keyboard, chiefly for switching between upper and lower case
If you press -P, the preview display will change.
  1. (transitive) To change, swap
His political stance shifted daily.
  1. (transitive) to move from one place to another; to redistribute
We'll have to these boxes to the downtown office.
  1. (intransitive) to change position
She shifted slightly in her seat.
  1. (intransitive) To change gears (in a car).
I crested the hill and shifted into fifth.
  1. (context, transitive, computing) to remove the first value from an array.
  2. (transitive) to dispose of
How can I a grass stain?
  1. (intransitive) to hurry
If you , you might make the 2:19.
  1. (Ireland, crude slang) to engage in sexual petting.
shimmy Tweet Definition of shimmy Like Definition of shimmy on Facebook
noun (shimmies)
  1. An abnormal vibration, especially in the wheels of a vehicle.
  2. (archaic) A dance that was popular in the 1920s.
  3. (rare) A sleeveless chemise.
verb (shimmies, shimmying, shimmied, )
  1. To climb sometime (e.g. a pole) gradually (e.g. using alternately one's arms then one's legs.)
He shimmied up the flagpole.
The static made her dress up her leg.
  1. (intransitive) To vibrate abnormally, as a broken wheel.
  2. (context, intransitive, rare) To shake the body as if dancing the shimmy.
shuffle Tweet Definition of shuffle Like Definition of shuffle on Facebook
  1. the act of shuffling cards
He made a real mess of the last shuffle
  1. a rhythm commonly used in blues music. Consists of a series of triplet notes with the middle note missing, so that it sounds like a long note followed by a short note. Sounds like a walker dragging one foot.
  2. (idiom) to get lost in the shuffle: to lack attention when you deserve it.
verb (shuffl, es)
  1. (transitive) to mix up (cards) in a random order before a card game
  2. (intransitive) to walk without picking up one's feet
SI Tweet Definition of SI Like Definition of SI on Facebook
  1. Smithsonian Institution
signature Tweet Definition of signature Like Definition of signature on Facebook
  1. A person"s autograph name.
  2. The act of signing one's name.
  3. (medicine) That part of a doctor"s prescription containing directions for the patient.
  4. (music) Signs on the stave indicating key and tempo
  5. (printing) A group of four (or a multiple of four) pages printed such that, when folded, become a section of a book
  6. (computing) A pattern used for matching the identity of a virus, or of types of behaviour.
  7. (cryptography) Data attached to a message that guarantees that the message originated from its claimed source.
(wikipedia, Signature) adjective 
  1. distinctive, characteristic indicative of identity
simple Tweet Definition of simple Like Definition of simple on Facebook
  1. (context, jargon, medicine) A preparation made from one plant, as opposed to something made from more than one plant.
adjective (simpler, simplest)
  1. having few parts or features; having no special features
  2. (colloquial) feeble-minded.
sinfonia Tweet Definition of sinfonia Like Definition of sinfonia on Facebook
noun (plural sinfonias or sinfonie)
  1. A symphony.
  2. A piece or music serving as an overture, interlude or ritornello.
  3. A small symphony orchestra.
sing Tweet Definition of sing Like Definition of sing on Facebook
  1. A gathering for the purpose of singing songs.
verb (sings, singing, sang, sung)
  1. To produce harmonious sounds with one"s voice.
I tenor in my school choir.
  1. (slang) To confess under interrogation.
sistrum Tweet Definition of sistrum Like Definition of sistrum on Facebook
noun (pl=sistrums, pl2=sistra)
  1. an ancient Egyptian musical instrument, to be shaken, consisting of a metal frame holding percussive metal beads
    • 1983, Norman Mailer, Ancient Evenings:
    • : She moved with slow undulations of her body as lascivious as the curve of Hathfertiti"s hair, and the with its singing wires was played by a dwarf wearing nothing but a gold purse and a few bracelets on his stunted biceps.
sitar Tweet Definition of sitar Like Definition of sitar on Facebook
  1. (musical instrument) A Hindustani/Indian stringed classical musical instrument, typically having a gourd as its resonating chamber.
skiffle Tweet Definition of skiffle Like Definition of skiffle on Facebook
  1. A type of folk music, with jazz and blues influences, using home made or improvised instruments.
skip Tweet Definition of skip Like Definition of skip on Facebook
  1. A leaping, jumping or skipping movement.
  2. An open-topped rubbish bin, ranging in size from perhaps 1.5x1.5 metres up to 6x3 metres, designed to be lifted onto the back of a truck to take away both bin and contents. See also skep.
  3. (slang) An Australian person of Anglo-Celtic descent. Used by people of southern European descent (those who the "skips" in turn call "wogs"), not used by Anglo Australians themselves. Usually taken to be from w:Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo and not of itself insulting (though might be used as such).
2001: Effie: How did you find the second, the defacto, and what nationality is she? <br> Barber: She is Australian.<br> Effie: Is she? Gone for a skip. You little radical you. <br> &mdash; w:Mary Coustas, Mary Coustas as her character w:Effie, Effie, TV series Effie: Just Quietly, 2001, episode Nearest and Dearest
  1. (curling)The player who call the shots, calls the shots and traditionally throws the last two rocks
  2. Short for skipper, the master or captain of a ship.
verb (skip, p, ed)
  1. To move by hopping on alternate feet.
  2. To leap about lightly.
  3. To skim, ricochet or bounce over a surface.
  4. To omit or disregard intermediate items or stages.
my heart just skipped a beat.
  1. To place an item in a skip.
skirl Tweet Definition of skirl Like Definition of skirl on Facebook
  1. To make a shrill sound, as of bagpipes.
  • 1985: Drums began to thump in a variety of rhythms. The flautists were not sure what to play. The shawm began to . " Anthony Burgess, Kingdom of the Wicked
Sleeping Beauty Tweet Definition of Sleeping Beauty Like Definition of Sleeping Beauty on Facebook
proper noun sleeping, Sleeping beauty, Beauty
  1. A fairy tale originally titled La Belle au Bois dormant by w:Charles Perrault, Charles Perrault.
  2. The main character in this story, who is in unbroken slumber under a magical spell, awaiting the kiss of a prince.
snare Tweet Definition of snare Like Definition of snare on Facebook
  1. A trap made from a loop of wire, string, or leather.
  2. (rare) A mental or psychological trap; usually in the phrase a snare and a delusion.
  3. (context, veterinary) A loop of cord used in obstetric cases, to hold or to pull a fetus from the mother animal.
  4. (music) A set of chains strung across the bottom of a drum to create a rattling sound.
  5. (music) A snare drum.
verb (snar, ing)
  1. to catch or hold, especially with a loop
snare drum Tweet Definition of snare drum Like Definition of snare drum on Facebook
  1. A tubular drum with skins stretched over the top and bottom, and having a set of chains that can be applied to the bottom skin to create a rattling sound.
SOL Tweet Definition of SOL Like Definition of SOL on Facebook
  1. Statute of Limitations
  2. Speed of Light
  3. Standards of Learning
  4. (vulgar) Shit Outta Luck
  5. Sorry, Outta Luck
  6. So Outta Luck
  7. Sleep Onset Latency
sol-fa Tweet Definition of sol-fa Like Definition of sol-fa on Facebook
  1. a method of sight singing music that uses the syllables do (originally ut), re, mi, fa, sol (or so), la, and si (or ti) to represent the pitches of the scale, most commonly the major scale. The fixed-do system uses do for C, and the moveable-do system uses do for whatever key the melody uses (thus B is do if the piece is in the key of B).
solo Tweet Definition of solo Like Definition of solo on Facebook
  1. A piece of music for one performer.
  2. A job or performance (e.g., an airplane flight) done by one person alone.
  3. A card game similar to Whist in which each player plays against the others in turn without a partner.
  1. Without a companion or instructor
  2. Of, for, or played as a musical solo.
soloist Tweet Definition of soloist Like Definition of soloist on Facebook
noun (Plural soloists)
  1. a person who performs a solo
sonata Tweet Definition of sonata Like Definition of sonata on Facebook
  1. (music) A musical composition for one or two instruments, one of which is frequently a piano, in three or four movements that vary in key and tempo
song Tweet Definition of song Like Definition of song on Facebook
  1. A musical piece with lyrics (or "words to sing"); prose that one can sing.
He wrote a beautiful about her.
  1. A musical sound by a bird.
  2. A musical sound by insect, whale or some other animal which sounds melodious to humans.
I love hearing the of canary birds.
  1. Something that cost only a little.
He bought that car for a .
  1. Faeces.
The gorilla liked to fling at the patrons at the zoo.
songster Tweet Definition of songster Like Definition of songster on Facebook
  1. A man who sings songs, especially as a profession. A male singer. A male songbird.
songwriter Tweet Definition of songwriter Like Definition of songwriter on Facebook
  1. Someone who writes the lyrics and usually the music of songs
We are now collaborating with a famous . (rfc-level, Translations at L3+)
sostenuto Tweet Definition of sostenuto Like Definition of sostenuto on Facebook
  1. A note or passage marked to be sustained
  1. (music) played in a sustained manner beyond the notes normal value
sounding board Tweet Definition of sounding board Like Definition of sounding board on Facebook
  1. A thin board that forms part of the resonating chamber of a musical instrument and serves to reinforce its sound
  2. (context, by extension) Any device or means used to spread an idea or point of view
  3. A person, or group, whose reactions to a new idea or proposal serve to assess its acceptability
sour Tweet Definition of sour Like Definition of sour on Facebook
  1. the sensation of a sour taste
  2. a drink made with whiskey, lemon or lime juice and sugar
verb to sour
  1. to make or become sour or disenchanted
  1. having an acid, sharp or tangy taste
  2. made rancid by fermentation etc
  3. tasting or smelling rancid
  4. peevish or bad-tempered
  5. (context, of soil) excessively acid and thus infertile
  6. (context, of petroleum) containing excess sulphur
sousaphone Tweet Definition of sousaphone Like Definition of sousaphone on Facebook
  1. (musici) A valved brass instrument with the same length as a tuba, but shaped differently so that the bell is above the head, that the valves are situated directly in front of the musician a few inches above the waist, and that most of the weight rests on one shoulder.
space Tweet Definition of space Like Definition of space on Facebook
  1. The intervening contents of a volume.
  2. (uncountable) Space occupied by or intended for a person or thing.
There's not enough space for this couch in this room.
  1. (countable) An area or volume of sufficient size to accommodate a person or thing.
They reserved a space for him to park his car.
Write your name in the space below.
  1. The area beyond the atmosphere of planets that consists of a vacuum.
  2. A gap between written characters; blank.
  3. (typography) A piece of type used to separate words.
  4. (geometry) A set of points, each of which is uniquely specified by a set of coordinates; the number of coordinates specifying a point and the number of mutually perpendicular axis, axes along which the coordinates lie are the same, and that is the number of dimensions of the space.
We live in a space that has at least four dimensions: up-down, left-right, forward-backward, and future-past.
  1. One's personal freedom to think or be oneself.
I just need some , man.
  1. The state of mind one is in when daydreaming.
  2. (mathematics) a generalized construct or set, the members of which have certain properties in common; often used in combination with the name of a particular mathematician
  3. (context, Indian philosophy) One of the five basic elements.
verb (spac, ing)
  1. (transitive) To be separated to a distance.
:The cities are evenly spaced.
  1. (intransitive) To vent into vacuum.
:The captain spaced the traitors.
spinet Tweet Definition of spinet Like Definition of spinet on Facebook
  1. (music) A short, compact harpsichord.
spiritual Tweet Definition of spiritual Like Definition of spiritual on Facebook
noun (wikipedia, spiritual (music))
  1. An African-American folk song, or a song in that style
  1. Of or pertaining to the spirit or the soul
  2. Of or pertaining to the God or a Church; sacred
  3. Of or pertaining to spirits; supernatural
Sprechstimme Tweet Definition of Sprechstimme Like Definition of Sprechstimme on Facebook
  1. A dramatic vocal style midway between speaking and singing.
    • 1999: The woozy "Black Market Baby" and spooky sprechstimme of "What's He Building?" are prime latter-day Waits, as are a host of other numbers that sound like work songs bellowed down a Tin Pan Alley. " Bradley Bambarger, Billboard 20 Mar 1999 (Innocent When You Dream, Orion Books 2006, p. 208)
square dance Tweet Definition of square dance Like Definition of square dance on Facebook
noun (countable and uncountable; plural square dances)
  1. (uncountable) Square dancing.
"Square dance is America's folk dance."
  1. (countable) A particular instance of square dancing.
"There's a square dance at the school tonight."
verb , present participle square dancing, past tense and past participle square danced
  1. take part in square dancing; to dance this type of dancing
"I square danced for three hours last night."
square-dance Tweet Definition of square-dance Like Definition of square-dance on Facebook
verb to square-dance
  1. The participate in a square dance
staccato Tweet Definition of staccato Like Definition of staccato on Facebook
noun (plural staccatos or staccati)
  1. (music) An articulation marking directing that a note or passage of notes are to be played in an abruptly disconnected manner, with each note sounding for a very short duration, and a short break lasting until the sounding of the next note; as opposed to legato. Staccato is indicated by a dot directly above or below the notehead.
  2. (music) A passage having this mark.
  1. (music) describing a passage having this mark
  1. (music) played in this style
Now, play the same passage very .
staff Tweet Definition of staff Like Definition of staff on Facebook
noun (pl. staffs or staves)
  1. (plural: staffs or staves) a long, straight stick, especially one used to assist in walking.
  2. (plural: staves) a series of horizontal lines on which musical notes are written.
  3. (plural: ) the employees of a business. (e.g. The company employed 10 new staff this month.)
  1. (transitive) to supply (a business) with employees
standard Tweet Definition of standard Like Definition of standard on Facebook
  1. A level of quality or attainment.
  2. Something used as a measure for comparative evaluations.
  3. An object supported in an upright position.
  4. A musical work of established popularity.
  5. The flag or ensign carried by a cavalry unit.
  6. A rule or set of rules or requirements which are widely agreed upon or imposed by government.
  7. A bottle of wine containing 0.750 liters of fluid.
  8. One of the upright members that supports the horizontal axis of a transit or theodolite.
  1. Falling within an accepted range. ex, size, amount, power, quality, etc.
  2. (context, of a tree or shrub) Growing on an erect stem of full height.
  3. Having recognized excellence or authority.
  4. Of a usable or serviceable grade or quality.
stave Tweet Definition of stave Like Definition of stave on Facebook
  1. One of a number of narrow strips of wood, or narrow iron plates, placed edge to edge to form the sides, covering, or lining of a vessel or structure; esp., one of the strips which form the sides of a cask, a pail, etc.
  2. One of the bars or rounds of a rack, a ladder, etc; one of the cylindrical bars of a lantern wheel
  3. A metrical portion; a stanza; a staff.
  4. The five horizontal and parallel lines on and between which musical notes are written or pointed; the staff.
verb (staves, staving, stove or staved)
  1. (transitive) To break in the staves of; to break a hole in; to burst. Often with in.
  2. (transitive) To push, as with a staff. With off.
  3. (transitive) To delay by force; to drive away. Often with off.
  4. (intransitive) To burst in pieces by strike, striking against something.
step Tweet Definition of step Like Definition of step on Facebook
noun (plural: steps)
  1. An advance or movement made from one foot to the other; a pace.
  2. A rest, or one of a set of rests, for the foot in ascending or descending, as a stair, or a rung of a ladder.
  3. running board where passengers step to get on and off the bus - the driver must have a clear view of the step in order to prevent accidents.
The breadth of every single or stair should be never less than one foot. - Sir H. Wotton
  1. The space passed over by one movement of the foot in walking or running; as, one step is generally about three feet, but may be more or less. Used also figuratively of any kind of progress; as, he improved step by step, or by steps.
To derive two or three general principles of motion from phenomena, and afterwards to tell us how the properties and actions of all corporeal things follow from those manifest principles, would be a very great in philosophy. - Isaac Newton
  1. A small space or distance; as, it is but a .
  2. A print of the foot; a footstep; a footprint; track.
  3. Gait; manner of walking; as, the approach of a man is often known by his step.
  4. Proceeding; measure; action; an act.
The reputation of a man depends on the first steps he makes in the world. - Alexander Pope
Beware of desperate steps. The darkest day, Live till to-morrow, will have passed away. - William Cowper
I have lately taken steps . . . to relieve the old gentleman's distresses. - G. W. Cable
  1. (plural): Walk; passage.
Conduct my steps to find the fatal tree. - John Dryden
  1. (plural): A portable framework of stairs, much used indoors in reaching to a high position
  2. (nautical) In general, a framing in wood or iron which is intended to receive an upright shaft; specif., a block of wood, or a solid platform upon the keelson, supporting the heel of the mast.
  3. (Machines): One of a series of offsets, or parts, resembling the steps of stairs, as one of the series of parts of a cone pulley on which the belt runs
  4. (Machines): A bearing in which the lower extremity of a spindle or a vertical shaft revolves.
  5. (music) The interval between two contiguous degrees of the scale.
Usage note: The word tone is often used as the name of this interval; but there is evident incongruity in using tone for indicating the interval between tones. As the word scale is derived from the Italian scala, a ladder, the intervals may well be called steps.
  1. (Kinematics): A change of position effected by a motion of translation. - W. K. Clifford
verb (step, p, ing)
  1. (intransitive) To move the foot in walking; to advance or recede by raising and moving one of the feet to another resting place, or by moving both feet in succession.
  2. (intransitive) To walk; to go on foot; esp., to walk a little distance; as, to step to one of the neighbors.
  3. (intransitive) To walk slowly, gravely, or resolutely.
Home the swain retreats, His flock before him stepping to the fold. - Thomson?
  1. (intransitive)(figuratively) To move mentally; to go in imagination.
They are stepping almost three thousand years back into the remotest antiquity. - w:Alexander Pope, Alexander Pope
  1. (transitive) To set, as the foot.
  2. (transitive) (nautical) To fix the foot of (a mast) in its step; to erect.
stomp Tweet Definition of stomp Like Definition of stomp on Facebook
  1. a dance having a heavy, rhythmic step
  2. the jazz music for this dance
  1. (transitive) to trample heavily on something or someone
  2. (transitive, slang) to severely beat someone physically or figuratively.
strain Tweet Definition of strain Like Definition of strain on Facebook
  1. (obsolete) treasure, Treasure.
  2. (obsolete) The blood-vessel in the yolk of an egg.
  3. (archaic) race, Race; lineage, pedigree.
  4. A particular breed or race of animal, microbe etc.
They say this year's flu virus is a particularly virulent .
  1. hereditary, Hereditary character, quality, or disposition.
There is a of madness in her family.
  1. (rare) A kind or sort (of person etc.).
  1. To exert or struggle (to do something), especially to stretch too far.
Sitting in back, I strained to hear the speaker.
  1. To apply a force or forces to
  2. To tighten the strings of a musical instrument; to uplift one"s voice
  3. To separate solid from liquid by passing through a strainer or colander
stress Tweet Definition of stress Like Definition of stress on Facebook
noun (es, -)
  1. (context, countable, physics) The internal distribution of force per unit area (pressure) within a body reacting to applied forces which causes strain or deformation and is typically symbolised by �
  2. (context, countable, physics) externally applied to a body which cause internal stress within the body.
  3. (uncountable) Emotional pressure suffered by a human being or other animal.
  4. (context, uncountable, phonetics) The emphasis placed on a syllable of a word.
Some people put the on the first syllable of "controversy"; others put it on the second.
  1. (uncountable) Emphasis placed on words in speaking.
  2. (uncountable) Emphasis placed on a particular point in an argument or discussion (whether spoken or written).
verb (stresses, stressing, stressed)
  1. To apply force to (a body or structure) causing strain.
  2. To apply emotional pressure to (a person or animal).
  3. To emphasise (a syllable of a word).
"Emphasis" is stressed on the first syllable, but "emphatic" is stressed on the second.
  1. To emphasise (words in speaking).
  2. To emphasise (a point) in an argument or discussion.
I must that this information is given in strict confidence.
stretto Tweet Definition of stretto Like Definition of stretto on Facebook
  1. having gradually increasing speed
  • 1960: So that over and above the public components " holidays, tourist attractions " there are private meanderings, linked to the climate as if this spell were a passage in the year"s fugue: haphazard weather, aimless loves, unpredicted commitments" " Thomas Pynchon, "Entropy"
  1. (music) with gradually increasing speed
strike Tweet Definition of strike Like Definition of strike on Facebook
  1. (baseball) a status resulting from a batter swinging and missing a pitch, or having a pitch pass over home plate at a height between a batter's shoulders and knees, or hitting a ball into foul territory without being caught
  2. (bowling) the act of knocking down all ten pins in on the first roll of a frame
  3. a work stoppage
  4. a blow or application of physical force against something
  5. (finance) In an option contract, the price at which the holder buys or sells if they choose to exercise the option.
  6. An old English measure of corn equal to the bushel.
  • 1882: The sum is also used for the quarter, and the for the bushel. &mdash; James Edwin Thorold Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England, Volume 4, p. 207.
    1. (cricket) the status of being the batsman that the bowler is bowling at
verb (strikes, striking, struck, struck or stricken)
  1. To delete or cross out; to scratch or eliminate.
Please the last sentence.
  1. To hit.
Strike the door sharply with your foot and see if it comes loose.
  1. To stop working to achieve better working conditions.
The workers struck for a week before the new contract went through.
  1. (obsolete) To surrender (strike one's colors)
  2. To impress, seem or appear.
Golf has always struck me as a waste of time.
  1. To manufacture, as by stamping.
''We will a medal in your honour
  1. (nautical) To haul down, or lower a mast, a flag or cargo etc
  2. (nautical) To capitulate: to signal a surrender by hauling down the colours.
string Tweet Definition of string Like Definition of string on Facebook
  1. (countable) A long, thin and flexible structure made from threads twisted together.
  2. (uncountable) Such a structure considered as a substance.
  3. (countable) Any long, thin and flexible object.
a violin
  1. (countable) A cohesive substance taking the form of a string.
The of spittle dangling from his chin was most unattractive
  1. (countable) A series of items or events.
a of successes
  1. (countable) (computer science) A sequence of characters stored consecutively in memory and capable of being processed as a single entity.
  2. (music, countable, usually in plural) A stringed instrument or the person playing that instrument.
verb (strings, stringing, strung)
  1. (transitive) To put (items) on a string.
You can string these beads on to this cord to make a colorful necklace
  1. (transitive) To put strings on (something).
It is difficult to string a tennis racket properly
stringed Tweet Definition of stringed Like Definition of stringed on Facebook
  1. Having strings.
    The violin is a instrument but without frets.
strum Tweet Definition of strum Like Definition of strum on Facebook
verb (strum, m, ing)
  1. To play a guitar using most strings simultaneously.
study Tweet Definition of study Like Definition of study on Facebook
noun (studies)
  1. The act of acquiring knowledge on a subject through concentration.
The study of languages is fascinating.
  1. A room in a house intended for reading and writing.
  2. An artwork made in order to practise or demonstrate a subject or technique.
verb (stud, i, ed)
  1. To acquire knowledge on a subject through concentration on prepared learning materials.
subdominant Tweet Definition of subdominant Like Definition of subdominant on Facebook
  1. (music) The fourth tone of a scale.
  2. (music) The triad built on the subdominant tone.
subito Tweet Definition of subito Like Definition of subito on Facebook
  1. (music) suddenly
subject Tweet Definition of subject Like Definition of subject on Facebook
  1. (grammar) In a clause: the word or word group (usually a noun phrase) that is dealt with. In active clauses with verbs denoting an action, the and the actor are usually the same.
"In the sentence "The mouse is eaten by the cat in the kitchen.", "The mouse" is the , "the cat" being the agent."
  1. The main topic of a paper, work of art, discussion, etc.
  2. A particular area of study.
Her favorite is physics.
  1. A citizen in a monarchy.
I am a British .
  1. A person ruled over by another, especially a monarch or state authority
  1. (followed by to) To cause (someone or something) to undergo a particular experience, especially one that is unpleasant or unwanted.
  1. Pertaining to a person or people who are ruled by another.
The Roman Empire ruled many territories.
subsidiary Tweet Definition of subsidiary Like Definition of subsidiary on Facebook
  1. A company owned by the parent company or holding company
  2. (music) a subordinate theme
  1. auxiliary or supplemental
  2. secondary or subordinate
  3. of, or relating to a subsidy
suspend Tweet Definition of suspend Like Definition of suspend on Facebook
  1. To hang freely
  2. To discontinue or interrupt a function, task, position, or event.
sweet Tweet Definition of sweet Like Definition of sweet on Facebook
  1. (uncountable) The basic taste sensation induced by sugar.
  2. (countable) A confection made from sugar, or high in sugar content.
  3. (countable) A food eaten for dessert.
Can we see the menu, please?
  1. sweetheart
adjective (er, est)
  1. Having a pleasant taste, especially one relating to the basic taste sensation induced by sugar.
  2. Having a taste of sugar.
  3. Containing a sweetening ingredient.
  4. (context, wine) Retaining a portion of sugar.
  5. Not having a salty taste.
  1. Having a pleasant smell.
a scent
  1. Not decaying, fermented, rancid, sour, spoiled, or stale.
  1. Having a pleasant sound.
a tune
a voice
  1. Having a pleasing disposition.
a child
  1. Having a helpful disposition.
It was of him to help out.
  1. Free from excessive unwanted substances like acid or sulphur.
crude oil
  1. (colloquial) very good
  1. In a sweet manner.
swing Tweet Definition of swing Like Definition of swing on Facebook
  1. The manner in which something is swung.
He worked tirelessly to improve his golf .
Door indicates direction the door opens.
  1. A hanging seat in a children's playground, for acrobats in a circus, or on a porch for relaxing.
  2. A dance style.
  3. (music) The genre of music associated with this dance style.
  4. The amount of change towards or away from something.
  5. Particularly, the increase or decrease in the number of votes in an election for opposition parties compared with votes for the incumbent party.
The polls showed a wide to Labour.
  1. (cricket) sideways movement of the ball as it flies through the air.
  2. The diameter that a lathe can cut.
  3. In a musical theater production, a performer who understudies several roles. See w:understudy, understudy.
verb (swings, swinging, swung)
  1. (defn, English)
syllabic Tweet Definition of syllabic Like Definition of syllabic on Facebook
  1. (linguistics) A syllabic sound.
  1. Of, relating to, or consisting of a syllable or syllables.
  2. Pronounced with every syllable distinct.
  1. (linguistics) Designating a sound that is or can be the most sonorant segment of a syllable, as a vowel or a resonant. In the word riddle (rĭd'l), the two syllabic sounds are the (i�) and the (l).
    1. Of, or being a form of verse, based on the number of syllables in a line rather than on the arrangement of accents or quantities.
symphonic Tweet Definition of symphonic Like Definition of symphonic on Facebook
  1. relating to a symphony
    • 1923: George Bernard Shaw, The Perfect Wagnerite - Finally, Mozart's most dramatic finales and concerted numbers are more or less in sonata form, like symphonic movements, and must therefore be classed as musical prose.
symphonic poem Tweet Definition of symphonic poem Like Definition of symphonic poem on Facebook
  1. (music) A piece of orchestral music, in one movement, based on something non-musical, such as a story or a painting.
symphony Tweet Definition of symphony Like Definition of symphony on Facebook
noun (symphonies)
  1. an extended piece of music of sophisticated structure, usually for orchestra
  2. harmony in music or colour, or a harmonious combination of elements
symphony orchestra Tweet Definition of symphony orchestra Like Definition of symphony orchestra on Facebook
  1. a large orchestra that traditionally plays western classical orchestral music
syncopated Tweet Definition of syncopated Like Definition of syncopated on Facebook
  1. (grammar) of a word, shortened by syncope
  2. (music) of a rhythm, modified by syncopation
syncopation Tweet Definition of syncopation Like Definition of syncopation on Facebook
  1. Use of rhythmic units or patterns which do not confirm the pulses on a metric level. (DeLone? et. al. (Eds.), 1975, chap. 3) (rfc, music definition needs rewritten because the current one is copyrighted)
syrinx Tweet Definition of syrinx Like Definition of syrinx on Facebook
noun (pl=syrinxes, pl2=syringes)
  1. A set of pan-pipes.
    • 1982, John Fowles, Mantissa:
    • : Actually, to cut a long story short, he began...well, playing with a rather different sort of pipe. Or , as we called it. He obviously thought he was alone.
    • 2006, Thomas Pynchon, Against the Day, Vintage 2007, p. 247:
    • :Inside, somebody was playing a duet on and lyre.
      1. A narrow channel cut in rock, especially in ancient Egyptian tombs.
      2. (zoology) The voice organ in birds.

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