raft |
| noun
- A flat structure made of planks, barrels etc., that floats on water, and is used for transport, emergency, emergencies or a platform for swimmers.
- A flat-bottomed inflatable craft for floating or drifting on water.
- A large (but unspecified) number, a lot.
- All we've ever got from you is a of promises.
- (transitive) to convey on a raft
- (transitive) to make into a raft
- (intransitive) to travel by raft
razorback |
| noun (Plural: razorbacks)
- A term used in the southeastern US for a thin feral pig. The term is borderline slang but is used as the nickname for the University of Arkansas athletic teams.
recent |
| adjective ((compar): more recent, (superl): most recent)
- Happening a short while ago.
recharge |
| noun (recharge, s, -)
- Water that has percolated from the ground surface to an aquifer.
verb (recharg, ing)
- (transitive) To charge an electric battery after its power has been consumed.
- (transitive) To reload a gun with ammunition.
- (transitive) To add or restore water to an aquifer.
reconnaissance |
| noun (abbreviated as recce or recon)
- The act of scouting or explore, exploring (especially military or medical) to gain information.
record |
| noun
- Information put into a temporary or permanent physical medium.
- The person had a of the event in her memory in her brain.
- The tourist's photographs and the tape of the police call provide a of the crime.''
- Any instance of a physical medium on which information was put for the purpose of preserving it and making it available for future reference.
- We have no record of you making this payment to us.
- A vinyl disc on which sound is recorded and may be replayed on a phonograph.
- I still like records better than CDs.
- (computing) A set of data relating to a single individual or item.
- The most extreme known value of some achievement, particularly in competitive events.
- The heat and humidity were both new records.
- The team set a new for most points scored in a quarter.
- (transitive) To make a record of information.
- I wanted to every detail of what happened, for the benefit of future generations.
- (transitive) Specifically, to make an audio or video recording of.
- Within a week they had recorded both the song and the video for it.
- (transitive) To give legal status to by making an official public record.
- When the deed was recorded, we officially owned the house.
- (intransitive) To fix in a medium, usually in a tangible medium.
- (intransitive) To make an audio, video, or multimedia recording.
regolith |
| noun
- (geology) The layer of loose rock, resting on the bedrock, that constitutes the surface of most land (and the surface of the moon etc.).
replacement |
| noun
- Some one or thing that takes the place of another; a substitute.
residual |
| noun (plural residuals)
- a remainder left over at the end of some process
- (in plural) payments made to performers, writers and directors when a recorded broadcast is repeated
- of, relating to, or remaining as a residue
revolution |
| noun
- A political upheaval in a government or nation state characterized by great change.
- The removal and replacement of a government.
- The turning of an object around an axis.
- In the case of celestial body, celestial bodies - the traversal of one body through an orbit around another body.
- A sudden, vast change in a situation or discipline.
Richter scale |
| noun
- A logarithmic scale used to express the energy released by an earthquake, each increase of 1 representing a 32-fold increase in energy.
rift valley |
| noun - (geology) a graben structure between two tectonic plates which are opening relative to each other
- (geology) a mid-oceanic ridge system with central valleys
rotten |
| adjective
- Rancid perishable items that have been overridden with bacteria and other infectious agents.
- Cruel or mean.