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ileum Tweet Definition of ileum Like Definition of ileum on Facebook
noun (ilea)
  1. (anatomy) The last, and usually the longest, division of the small intestine; the part between the jejunum and large intestine.
ilium Tweet Definition of ilium Like Definition of ilium on Facebook
noun (ilia)
  1. (anatomy) The upper and widest of the three bones that make up each side of the hipbone and pelvis.
incus Tweet Definition of incus Like Definition of incus on Facebook
noun (incudes)
  1. (anatomy) A small anvil-shaped bone in the middle ear.
index finger Tweet Definition of index finger Like Definition of index finger on Facebook
  1. the forefinger
inferior vena cava Tweet Definition of inferior vena cava Like Definition of inferior vena cava on Facebook
  1. (anatomy) The large vein which returns blood from the lower extremities, and the pelvic and abdominal organs, to the right atrium of the heart.
inguinal Tweet Definition of inguinal Like Definition of inguinal on Facebook
  1. Of or pertaining to the groin
innards Tweet Definition of innards Like Definition of innards on Facebook
noun (plural)
  1. The internal organ, organs of a human or animal; especially viscera, intestine, intestines.
  2. The inner workings of something; the insides or guts.
He took the cover off his computer and looked at the .
inner ear Tweet Definition of inner ear Like Definition of inner ear on Facebook
  1. (anatomy) The portion of the ear located within the temporal bone which includes the semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea and is responsible for hearing and balance.
innervation Tweet Definition of innervation Like Definition of innervation on Facebook
  1. The act of innerving or stimulating.
  2. Special activity excited in any part of the nervous system or in any organ of sense or motion; the nervous influence necessary for the maintenance of life,and the functions of the various organs.
  3. The distribution of nerves in an animal, or to any of its parts.
innominate bone Tweet Definition of innominate bone Like Definition of innominate bone on Facebook
  1. (anatomy) The hipbone.
instep Tweet Definition of instep Like Definition of instep on Facebook
  1. The arched part of the top of the foot between the toes and the ankle.
  2. A section of any footwear covering that part of the foot.
interocular Tweet Definition of interocular Like Definition of interocular on Facebook
  1. Between the eyes.
interstitial Tweet Definition of interstitial Like Definition of interstitial on Facebook
  1. of, relating to, or situated in an interstice
intestinal Tweet Definition of intestinal Like Definition of intestinal on Facebook
  1. Relating to the intestines.
intestine Tweet Definition of intestine Like Definition of intestine on Facebook
  1. (context, anatomy, often pluralized) The alimentary canal of an animal through which food passes after having passed all stomachs.
  2. One of certain subdivisions of this part of the alimentary canal, such as the small intestine, small or large intestine in human beings.
  1. Of or pertaining to the intestine.
  2. internal, Internal, domestic, especially in relation to a country or region.
    • 1776, w:Edward_Gibbon, Edward Gibbon, The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ch. 1,
    • : Yet the success of Trajan, however transient, was rapid and specious. The degenerate Parthians, broken by discord, fled before his arms.
intima Tweet Definition of intima Like Definition of intima on Facebook
noun plural intimae or intimas
  1. (anatomy) The innermost part of an anatomical structure, particularly a tubular one: the intima of a blood vessel.
intracardiac Tweet Definition of intracardiac Like Definition of intracardiac on Facebook
  1. inside the heart
intracranial Tweet Definition of intracranial Like Definition of intracranial on Facebook
  1. Of or pertaining to the brain or inside of the head. Within the cranium.
intradermal Tweet Definition of intradermal Like Definition of intradermal on Facebook
  1. In medicine, injections or infusions fall into the parenteral category of drug/substance delivery methods. Intradermal means within, about, or below a dermal tissue layer (typically the skin)and describes the location of administration.
intramural Tweet Definition of intramural Like Definition of intramural on Facebook
  1. literally, "within the walls": pertaining to something within one institution, particularly a school. For example, sports involve teams that are both within the same school.
intramuscular Tweet Definition of intramuscular Like Definition of intramuscular on Facebook
  1. Inside a muscle or the muscles
intrauterine Tweet Definition of intrauterine Like Definition of intrauterine on Facebook
  1. inside the uterus
intravenous Tweet Definition of intravenous Like Definition of intravenous on Facebook
noun (abreviated as IV)
  1. (medicine) A dose of medicine administered from a drip, down through a hollow needle inserted into a patient's vein.
Get his morphine started stat!
  1. Inside the veins.
intrinsic Tweet Definition of intrinsic Like Definition of intrinsic on Facebook
  1. innate, inherent, inseparable from the thing itself, essential
in utero Tweet Definition of in utero Like Definition of in utero on Facebook
  1. Occurring or residing within the uterus or womb; unborn.
invagination Tweet Definition of invagination Like Definition of invagination on Facebook
  1. (medicine) The process where an anatomical part invaginates upon itself or into another structure.
  2. One of the methods by which the various germinal layers of the ovum are differentiated.
ipsilateral Tweet Definition of ipsilateral Like Definition of ipsilateral on Facebook
  1. on the same side of the body. Word describing the occurrence of a medical condition, or reference to a body part, on the same side of the body. Example of usage - The stroke was characterised by ipsilateral paralysis.
ischium Tweet Definition of ischium Like Definition of ischium on Facebook
noun (plural ischia)
  1. (anatomy) The lowest of the three bones that make up each side of the pelvis.
island Tweet Definition of island Like Definition of island on Facebook
  1. An area of land totally surrounded by water.
  2. An entity surrounded by other entities that are very different from itself.
an island of tranquility (a calm place surrounded by a noisy environment)

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