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Glossary of Weights and Measures Terms
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M Tweet Definition of M Like Definition of M on Facebook
noun (pl=Ms, pl2=M's)
  1. The thirteenth letter of the English alphabet; a vocal consonant, and from the manner of its formation, is called the labio-nasal consonant.
proper noun 
  1. fictional character from the James Bond stories and films
abbreviation or M.
  1. Monsieur
  2. male
  3. Monday
  4. Mother
  5. (context, size) Medium
  6. (context, US, roadway) Michigan; Usage note: This designation is used within Michigan.
  7. mature
  8. (context, cricket, in batting figures) the number of minutes a player spent at the crease
  9. (context, cricket, in bowling figures) the number of maiden overs bowled
MBD Tweet Definition of MBD Like Definition of MBD on Facebook
  1. Minimal Brain Dysfunction, Minimal Brain Damage, Minimal Brain Disorder
measure Tweet Definition of measure Like Definition of measure on Facebook
  1. The quantity, size, weight, distance or capacity of a substance compared to a designated standard.
  2. An (unspecified) quantity or capacity :
a of salt
(rfdate) The unwise man never knows the of his stomach. " from the w:Hí¡vamí¡l, Hí¡vamí¡l
  1. The precise designated distance between two objects or points.
  2. The act of measuring.
  3. A musical designation consisting of all notes and or rests delineated by two vertical bars; an equal and regular division of the whole of a composition.
  4. A rule, ruler or measuring stick.
  5. A tactic, strategy or piece of legislation.
He took drastic measures to halt inflation.
  1. (mathematics) A function that assigns a non-negative number to a given set following the mathematical nature that is common among length, volume, probability and the like.
  2. An indicator; Something used to assess some property.
The average price of basic household goods is a for inflation.
Honesty is the true of a man. (rfex)
verb (measur, ing)
  1. To ascertain the quantity of a unit of material via calculated comparison with respect to a standard.
  2. To estimate the unit size of something.
  3. To obtain or set apart; to mark in even increments.
measurement Tweet Definition of measurement Like Definition of measurement on Facebook
  1. The act of measure, measuring.
  2. Magnitude (or extent or amount) determined by measurement.
megaton Tweet Definition of megaton Like Definition of megaton on Facebook
  1. a measure of the strength of an explosion or a bomb based on how many million tons of TNT would be needed to produce the same energy.
meter Tweet Definition of meter Like Definition of meter on Facebook
  1. (always ) A device that measures things.
  2. A parking meter.
  3. The base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI), equal to the distance light will travel in a vacuum in 1/299792458 second.
  4. (music): an increment of music; the overall rhythm; particularly, the number of beats in a measure.
  5. (context, Prosody): The rhythm pattern in a poem.
  1. To measure with a metering device
metrical Tweet Definition of metrical Like Definition of metrical on Facebook
  1. relating to poetic meter
  2. having a regular rhythm
  3. of or pertaining to measurement
metric system Tweet Definition of metric system Like Definition of metric system on Facebook
  1. The system of measurements developed in France in the 1790s and now used worldwide.
  2. The modern version of that system, Systeme Internationale d'Unites (International System of Units), or SI system of measurements that is based on the base units of the meter/metre, the kilogram, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole, and the candela.
    see Appendix:SI_units, Appendix on SI Units
metric ton Tweet Definition of metric ton Like Definition of metric ton on Facebook
noun (plural metric tons)
  1. A tonne, a unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms.
metrology Tweet Definition of metrology Like Definition of metrology on Facebook
noun (metrolog, ies, -)
  1. (uncountable) The science of weights and measures or of measurement.
  2. (countable) A system of weights and measures.
MG Tweet Definition of MG Like Definition of MG on Facebook
initialism (wikipedia, MG (car))
  1. ("Morris Garages") A British sports-car manufacturer.
MI Tweet Definition of MI Like Definition of MI on Facebook
  1. Michigan, a state of the United States of America.
  2. military, Military intelligence.
  3. myocardial, Myocardial infarction.
micrometer Tweet Definition of micrometer Like Definition of micrometer on Facebook
noun (commons)
  1. A device used to measure distance very precisely but within a limited range, especially depth, thickness, and diameter.
micron Tweet Definition of micron Like Definition of micron on Facebook
  1. (physics) A measure of length; the thousandth part of one millimeter; the millionth part of a meter.
mil Tweet Definition of mil Like Definition of mil on Facebook
  1. An angular mil, a unit of angular measurement equal to <small>1<big>�</big>6400</small> of a complete circle. At 1000 metres one subtends about one metre (0,98 m). Also <small>1<big>�</big>6000</small> and <small>1<big>�</big>6300</small> are used in other countries.
  2. A unit of measurement equal to <small>1<big>�</big>1000</small> of an inch, usually used for thin objects, such as sheets of plastic.
mile Tweet Definition of mile Like Definition of mile on Facebook
  1. A unit of measure (length or distance) equal to 5,280 feet (8 furlongs) in the U.S.Customary/Imperial system of measurements. One mile is equal to 1.609344 km. <ref></ref>
  2. A Roman unit of measure equal to 1000 (double) steps (mille passus or mille passuum) or 5000 Roman feet (approx. 1480m).
  3. A track race of one mile in length; sometimes used to refer to the 1500m race.
The runners competed in the .
  1. (slang) A great distance.
The shot missed by a .
mileage Tweet Definition of mileage Like Definition of mileage on Facebook
  1. the total distance, in miles, travelled
  2. the number of miles travelled by a vehicle on a certain volume of fuel
  3. an allowance for travel expenses at a specified rate per mile
  4. the amount of service that something has yielded or may yield in future
This old PC has still got plenty of in it.
milligram Tweet Definition of milligram Like Definition of milligram on Facebook
  1. An SI unit of mass, equivalent to one thousandth of a gram.
milliliter Tweet Definition of milliliter Like Definition of milliliter on Facebook
  1. (context, chiefly, US) millilitre
millimeter Tweet Definition of millimeter Like Definition of millimeter on Facebook
  1. An SI
    1. Abbreviation, SI/MKS unit of measure, the length of 1/1000 of a meter
min Tweet Definition of min Like Definition of min on Facebook
  1. minute
mina Tweet Definition of mina Like Definition of mina on Facebook
  1. The myna bird.
minim Tweet Definition of minim Like Definition of minim on Facebook
  1. (music) a half note, drawn as a semibreve with a stem.
ML Tweet Definition of ML Like Definition of ML on Facebook
  1. Medieval Latin
  2. Markup Language
MM Tweet Definition of MM Like Definition of MM on Facebook
  1. Mile Marker
  2. (Chinese) Beauty girls
  3. (freemasonry) Master Mason
  4. (Amateur/Ham Radio) maritime mobile
  5. Microsoft Moment
  6. man-month
module Tweet Definition of module Like Definition of module on Facebook
  1. A self-contained component of a system, often interchangeable, which has a well-defined interface to the other components.
  2. (architecture) A standard unit of measure used for determining the proportions of a building.
  3. (computing) A section of a program; a subroutine.
  4. A unit of education covering a single topic.
  5. A pre-prepared adventure scenario with related materials for a role-playing game.
  6. (mathematics) An abelian group.
<i>K</i>-, module over <i>K</i>
  1. (mathematics) An algebraic structure which behaves just like a vector space over a field F, except that F is replaced by K, a commutative ring with unit.
Any module extends easily into a <math>\mathbb{Z}</math>-module.
morgen Tweet Definition of morgen Like Definition of morgen on Facebook
  1. a unit of measurement of land in the Netherlands and the Dutch colonies, also used in Prussia, Denmark and Norway, equivalent to two acres.
MPG Tweet Definition of MPG Like Definition of MPG on Facebook
  1. Miles Per Gallon
mph Tweet Definition of mph Like Definition of mph on Facebook
  1. mile(s) per hour
MT Tweet Definition of MT Like Definition of MT on Facebook
  1. Montana, a state of the United States of America.
  2. Mountain Time.
  3. Massage Therapist.
mu Tweet Definition of mu Like Definition of mu on Facebook
noun (mu's, -)
  1. (uncountable) the name for the 12th letter of the Modern Greek alphabet. (countable) an instance of that letter.
  2. (uncountable) The name of a mythical floating island.

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