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Glossary of Transportation Terms
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CAB Tweet Definition of CAB Like Definition of CAB on Facebook
  1. Civil Aeronautics Board
  2. (UK) Citizen's advice bureau
  1. (Ireland) Criminal Assets Bureau. A government agency tasked with recovering the profits of criminal enterprise.
cabriolet Tweet Definition of cabriolet Like Definition of cabriolet on Facebook
  1. An automobile with a retractable top.
  2. A light two wheeled carriage with a folding top pulled by a single horse
calash Tweet Definition of calash Like Definition of calash on Facebook
  1. a sort of light 'convertible' carriage with a folding hood
caliper Tweet Definition of caliper Like Definition of caliper on Facebook
  1. (italbrac, usually plural only) Uncommon variant of calipers.
  2. (context, Automotive) The part of a disc brake that holds the brake pads.
CAR Tweet Definition of CAR Like Definition of CAR on Facebook
  1. Central African Republic
cargo Tweet Definition of cargo Like Definition of cargo on Facebook
noun (Plural: cargos or cargoes)
  1. freight, Freight carried by a ship, aircraft etc.
    • 1806, James Harrison, The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson
    • :""her whole and entire ; and, also, all such other cargoes and property as may have been landed in the island of Teneriffe,""
    • 1913, Nephi Anderson, Story of Chester Lawrence,
    • : ""but human life is worth more than ships or cargos."
      1. (Papua New Guinea) Western material goods.
    • 1995, Martha Kaplan, Neither Cargo Nor Cult: Ritual Politics and the Colonial Imagination in Fiji, Duke University Press, page xi
    • : "They wrote of Pacific people with millenarian (and sometimes anti-colonial) expectations who used magical means to get western things (hence the term "" cult)."
carriage Tweet Definition of carriage Like Definition of carriage on Facebook
  1. A wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power.
The ride was very romantic.
  1. A railroad car drawn by a locomotive.
  2. (archaic) A manner of walking and moving in general; how one carries oneself.
His noble concealed the heart of a knave.
  1. The part of a typewriter supporting the paper.
  2. (local to New England) A shopping cart.
  3. A baby stroller; a baby carraige.
carrier Tweet Definition of carrier Like Definition of carrier on Facebook
  1. A person or object that carry, carries someone or something else.
aircraft carrier
armored personnel carrier
  1. A company in the business of shipping freight.
  2. A person or animal that transmits a disease to others without itself contracting the disease.
  3. A signal such as radio, sound, or light that is modulated to transmit information.
  4. A mobile network operator; wireless carrier
cart Tweet Definition of cart Like Definition of cart on Facebook
  1. A small, open, wheeled vehicle, drawn or pushed by a person or animal, more often used for transporting goods than passengers.
  2. A small motor vehicle resembling a car; a go cart.
  1. (transitive) To carry goods.
I've been carting these things around all day.
cartwheel Tweet Definition of cartwheel Like Definition of cartwheel on Facebook
  1. The literal wheel of a cart.
  2. A gymnastic maneuver whereby the gymnast rotates to one side or the other while keeping arms and legs outstretched, spinning for one or more revolutions.
  3. A silver dollar of the larger size produced before 1979.
chaise Tweet Definition of chaise Like Definition of chaise on Facebook
  1. An open, horse-drawn carriage for one or two people, usually with one horse and two wheels.
  2. A chaise longue.
  3. A post chaise.
Clarence Tweet Definition of Clarence Like Definition of Clarence on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. A ducal title which has been traditionally awarded to junior members of the English and British royal families
  2. An English surname.
  3. An English given name.
  4. A placename given to towns in countries settled by the British.
coach Tweet Definition of coach Like Definition of coach on Facebook
  1. A wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power.
  2. (rail) A railroad car drawn by a locomotive.
  3. A trainer or instructor.
  4. A single decked long-distance, or privately hired bus.
  5. (nautical) The forward part of the cabin space under the poop deck of a sailing ship; the fore-cabin under the quarter deck.
verb (coaches, coaching, coached)
  1. (sports) To train.
  2. To instruct.
She has coached many opera stars.
commute Tweet Definition of commute Like Definition of commute on Facebook
verb (commut, ing)
  1. (intransitive) To travel from one's home (usually in the suburbs of a city) to one's workplace (usually in the city itself, or in another city) to go to work, or vice versa.
  2. (context, intransitive, mathematics) To engage in a commutative operation.
  3. (context, transitive, finance) To pay out the lump-sum present value of an annuity.
  4. (context, transitive, law, criminology) To reduce the sentence previously given for a criminal offense.
commuter Tweet Definition of commuter Like Definition of commuter on Facebook
  1. A person who regularly travels from one place to another, typically to work.
  1. Typically of an aircraft, train etc., designed for use by commuters.
containerization Tweet Definition of containerization Like Definition of containerization on Facebook
  1. the act of containerizing
conveyance Tweet Definition of conveyance Like Definition of conveyance on Facebook
  1. The action or instance of conveying.
  2. A means of transporting, especially a vehicle.
corridor Tweet Definition of corridor Like Definition of corridor on Facebook
  1. A narrow hall or passage with rooms leading off it.
  2. A restricted tract of land that allows passage between two places.
  3. Airspace restricted for the passage of aircraft.
cruise Tweet Definition of cruise Like Definition of cruise on Facebook
noun (wikipedia, cruising)
  1. A sea voyage, especially one taken for pleasure.
verb (cruis, ing)
  1. (intransitive) To sail about, especially for pleasure.
  2. (intransitive) To travel at constant speed for maximum operating efficiency.
  3. (transitive) To move about an area leisurely in the hope of discovering something, or looking for custom.
  4. (context, slang) To seek a sexual partner, especially a prostitute.
  5. (intransitive, child development) To walk while holding on to an object (stage in development of ambulation, typically occuring at 10 months
cycle Tweet Definition of cycle Like Definition of cycle on Facebook
  1. An interval of space or time in which one set of events or phenomena is completed.
  2. A complete rotation of anything.
  3. A process that returns to its beginning and then repeats itself in the same sequence.
  4. A series of poems, songs or other works of art
  5. A programme/program on a washing machine, dishwasher, etc.
Put the washing in on a warm cycle.
  1. A generic term for a pedal-powered vehicle (unicycles, bicycles and tricycles), or motorized vehicle that has either two or three wheels (motorbike, motorcycle, motorized tricycle, motortrike).
  2. (baseball) When a batter hits a single, a double, a triple, and a homer in the same game
Jones hit for the in the game.
verb (cycl, ing)
  1. To ride a
    1. Noun, cycle.
    2. To go through a cycle or to put through a cycle.
    3. (electronics) To turn power off and back on
    Avoid cycling the device unnecessarily.
    1. (icehockey) To maintain a team's possession of the puck in the offensive zone by handling and passing the puck in a loop from the boards near the goal up the side boards and passing to back to the boards near the goal
    They have their cycling game going tonight.

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