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salt Tweet Definition of salt Like Definition of salt on Facebook
  1. A common substance recognised chemically as sodium chloride (NaCl?), used extensively as a condiment and preservative.
  2. (chemistry) One of the compounds formed from the reaction of an acid with a base, where a positive ion replaces a hydrogen of the acid.
  3. A kind of marsh at the shore of a sea (short for salt marsh, apparently not in a wide-spread use).
  4. (slang) A sailor (also old salt).
  5. (cryptography) Additional bytes inserted into a plaintext message before encryption, in order to increase randomness and render brute force, brute-force decryption more difficult.
  1. (transitive) To add salt to.
  2. (mining) To blast gold into (as a portion of a mine) in order to cause to appear to be a productive seam.
  3. (cryptography) To add filler bytes before encrypting, in order to make brute-force decryption more resource-intensive.
  4. To include colorful language in.
  5. To insert or inject something into an object to give it properties it would not naturally have.
  1. salty, Salty.
  2. saline, Saline.
sanidine Tweet Definition of sanidine Like Definition of sanidine on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) A variety of orthoclase feldspar found as tabular crystals embedded in volcanic rocks. It sometimes reflects a blue sheen along crystal planes. This phenomenon is called adularescence, and sanidine with this property is called moonstone.
  • Chemical composition: Potassium aluminum silicate, <math>KAlSi?_3O_8</math>
  • Physical properties:
    Moh's Hardness: 6.0
    Specific gravity: 2.6
    Color: white, flesh, yellow, pink
    Luster: glassy
    Fracture: conchoidal
    Habit: tabular. Well developed crystal faces are often highly reflective.
Sapphire Tweet Definition of Sapphire Like Definition of Sapphire on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. given female name
scapolite Tweet Definition of scapolite Like Definition of scapolite on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) Any of several mixed sodium and calcium aluminosilicates which also contain chloride, carbonate and sulfate and are found in metamorphic rocks
scheelite Tweet Definition of scheelite Like Definition of scheelite on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) a mineral composed of calcium tungstate; an important tungsten ore
sclerometer Tweet Definition of sclerometer Like Definition of sclerometer on Facebook
  1. A device used to measure the hardness of a material by applying pressure to a moving diamond stylus
selenite Tweet Definition of selenite Like Definition of selenite on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) a soft, glassy form of gypsum (chemical formula CaSO?4·2H2O)
  2. (chemistry) the anion SeO?32&minus; derived from selenous acid; any salt or ester of senenous acid
Serpentine Tweet Definition of Serpentine Like Definition of Serpentine on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. Name of the lake in Hyde Park, London.
siderite Tweet Definition of siderite Like Definition of siderite on Facebook
noun (siderites, -)
  1. (uncountable), (mineralogy) a widespread brown mineral, FeCO?3, having the structure of calcite
  2. (countable) an iron meteorite
silex Tweet Definition of silex Like Definition of silex on Facebook
  1. finely ground relatively pure form of silicas used as a paint filler etc.
  2. Obsolescent: In Latin, ca 1590, use meaning "Flints" (hard rocks), as a Early Modern Era term for silica materials (earths).
silicate Tweet Definition of silicate Like Definition of silicate on Facebook
  1. (chemistry) Any salt of silica or of one of the silicic acids; any mineral composed of silicates
siliceous Tweet Definition of siliceous Like Definition of siliceous on Facebook
  1. (chemistry) of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling silica
siliciferous Tweet Definition of siliciferous Like Definition of siliciferous on Facebook
  1. yielding or bearing silica
sillimanite Tweet Definition of sillimanite Like Definition of sillimanite on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) a fibrous neosilicate mineral, polymorphic with andalusite and kyanite
skutterudite Tweet Definition of skutterudite Like Definition of skutterudite on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) A mixed cobalt and nickel arsenide and sulfide mineral
smithsonite Tweet Definition of smithsonite Like Definition of smithsonite on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) a mineral form of zinc carbonate, ZnCO?3, mined as an ore of zinc or as an ornamental stone
sodalite Tweet Definition of sodalite Like Definition of sodalite on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) A mineral of alkaline igneous and plutonic rocks that are low in silica. Pink sodalite is sometimes called hackmanite. Sodalite and lazurite form the sodalite Group of silicate minerals.
    • Chemical composition: Sodium aluminum silicate with chlorine, <math>Na_4Al_3Si_3O_{12}Cl</math>
soda niter Tweet Definition of soda niter Like Definition of soda niter on Facebook
  1. sodium nitrate
sorosilicate Tweet Definition of sorosilicate Like Definition of sorosilicate on Facebook
  1. (chemistry) any silicate based on the dimeric anion Si2O76-
sphalerite Tweet Definition of sphalerite Like Definition of sphalerite on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) A yellow, brown or black, sometimes red, green white or colorless mineral with cubic crystals, of a chemical formula (zinc, Zn,iron, Fe)sulfur, S.<ref name="Dana's new"/>
sphene Tweet Definition of sphene Like Definition of sphene on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) titanite
spinel Tweet Definition of spinel Like Definition of spinel on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) any of several hard, glassy minerals that are mixed oxides of magnesium and aluminium and are used as gemstones of various colours
stannite Tweet Definition of stannite Like Definition of stannite on Facebook
  1. a dark-gray lustrous mineral, a mixed sulphide of copper, iron and tin, Cu2FeSnS?4, used as an ore of tin
stibnite Tweet Definition of stibnite Like Definition of stibnite on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) A grey mineral, Sb2S3, that is the main ore of antimony; used in ancient times as the cosmetic kohl
stishovite Tweet Definition of stishovite Like Definition of stishovite on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) A fine-grained mineral, SiO?2, that is a polymorphic form of quartz formed under very high pressure
streak Tweet Definition of streak Like Definition of streak on Facebook
noun (plural: streaks)
  1. An irregular line left from smearing or motion.
The picture I took out the car window had streaks.
  1. A continuous series of like events.
I hope I can keep up this of accomplishments.
  1. The color of the powder of a mineral. So called, because a simple field test for a mineral is to streak it against unglazed white porcelain.
  2. A moth of the family Geometridae Chesias legatella (see w:Streak (moth)).
  3. A tendency or characteristic, but not a dominant or pervasive one.
She's a quiet, bookish person, but she has a rebellious .
verb to streak (streaks, streaked, streaking) Intransitive:
  1. to have or obtain streaks;
If you clean a window in direct sunlight, it will streak.
  1. (slang) to run naked in public
It was a pleasant game until some guy went streaking across the field. Transitive:
  1. to create streaks
You will a window by cleaning it in direct sunlight.
stria Tweet Definition of stria Like Definition of stria on Facebook
noun (stri, ae)
  1. A stripe, usually one of a set of parallel stripes.
Strontian Tweet Definition of Strontian Like Definition of Strontian on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. A small village in Scotland that gives its name to the element strontium and the mineral strontianite which was discovered there
strontianite Tweet Definition of strontianite Like Definition of strontianite on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) A grey or yellowish mineral, SrCO?3, strontium carbonate, that is an ore of strontium
sylvite Tweet Definition of sylvite Like Definition of sylvite on Facebook
  1. (mineralogy) a saline evaporite, consisting of potassium chloride, also found in fumaroles

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