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facies Tweet Definition of facies Like Definition of facies on Facebook
  1. (plurale tantum) (medicine) facial features, like an expression or complexion, typical for patients having certain diseases or conditions (e.g. costive facies).
fair Tweet Definition of fair Like Definition of fair on Facebook
  1. a community gathering to celebrate and exhibit local achievements
  2. an event for public entertainment and trade, a market
  3. an event for professionals in a trade to learn of new products and do business.
  1. (dated) beautiful, Beautiful, pleasing to the eye.
Monday's child is of face.
  1. light, Light in color, pale, particularly as regards skin tone but also refers to blond hair.
She had hair and blue eyes.
  1. just, Just, equitable.
He must be given a trial.
  1. adequate, Adequate, reasonable, or decent.
The patient was in a condition after some treatment.
  1. (baseball) Between the baselines.
fellatio Tweet Definition of fellatio Like Definition of fellatio on Facebook
  1. oral sex in which the penis of one of the participants is orally stimulated (by licking, or sucking).
fetoscope Tweet Definition of fetoscope Like Definition of fetoscope on Facebook
  1. a flexible fibreoptic device used to view a foetus in the womb
  2. a form of stethoscope for listening to the foetal heartbeat
floater Tweet Definition of floater Like Definition of floater on Facebook
  1. Anything that floats.
  2. An employee of a company who does not have fixed tasks to do but fills in wherever needed, usually when someone else is away.
  3. A threadlike speck in the visual field that seems to move, possibly caused by degeneration of the vitreous humour.
  4. An "extra" male at a dinner party, or a young friend of the hostess, whose assignment is to entertain the female guests.
  5. (insurance) A policy covering property at more than one location or which may be in transit.
  6. (police jargon) A floating corpse picked up from a body of water.
  7. (sports) An unaffiliated player.
  8. (surfing) A maneuver in which a surfer transitions above the unbroken face of the wave onto the lip, or on top of the breaking section of the wave.
  9. (vulgar) A piece of faeces that floats.
2004: He left a floater in the toilet. — poetry critical workshop
  1. (two-up) A coin which does not spin when thrown in the air.
1998: In this section "floater" means a spin in which at least 1 of the coins does not turn over in the air at least once. — Queensland government Casino Gaming Amendment Rule (No. 2) 1998
  1. Someone who attaches themselves to a group of people, much to the dismay of that group, and repeatedly shows up to participate in group activities despite attempts to get rid of, or "flush," that person.
foreplay Tweet Definition of foreplay Like Definition of foreplay on Facebook
  1. In human sexual behavior, the acts at the beginning of a sexual encounter that serve to build up sexual arousal, sometimes in preparation for sexual intercourse or another act meant to bring about orgasm.
fornication Tweet Definition of fornication Like Definition of fornication on Facebook
  1. Sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse, especially on the part of an unmarried person.
  2. The act of such illicit sexual intercourse between a man and a woman which does not by law amount to adultery.
1604 I am the sister of one Claudio, Condemn'd upon the act of To lose his head; condemn'd by Angelo " Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, Act 5, Scene 1
1611 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, , uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. " Galatians 5:19-21 KJV
frottage Tweet Definition of frottage Like Definition of frottage on Facebook
  1. an erotic act involving rubbing against random people in crowds
verb to frottage
  1. to rub a drawing implement (eg. a pencil, crayon or charcoal) over a piece of paper placed upon a textured surface in order to create a mottled or patterned area.
fulgurate Tweet Definition of fulgurate Like Definition of fulgurate on Facebook
verb (fulgurat, ing)
  1. (medicine) To cauterize with electricity; to engage in electrofulgeration or to electrocauterize.
functional Tweet Definition of functional Like Definition of functional on Facebook
  1. (mathematics) A function that takes other functions as its argument.
  1. In good working order.
  2. Useful; serving a purpose
That sculpture is not merely artistic, but also . It can be used as a hatrack.
  1. (comptheory) Having semantics defined purely in terms of mathematical functions, without side-effects.
facies Tweet Definition of facies Like Definition of facies on Facebook
  1. (plurale tantum) (medicine) facial features, like an expression or complexion, typical for patients having certain diseases or conditions (e.g. costive facies).
fair Tweet Definition of fair Like Definition of fair on Facebook
  1. a community gathering to celebrate and exhibit local achievements
  2. an event for public entertainment and trade, a market
  3. an event for professionals in a trade to learn of new products and do business.
  1. (dated) beautiful, Beautiful, pleasing to the eye.
Monday's child is of face.
  1. light, Light in color, pale, particularly as regards skin tone but also refers to blond hair.
She had hair and blue eyes.
  1. just, Just, equitable.
He must be given a trial.
  1. adequate, Adequate, reasonable, or decent.
The patient was in a condition after some treatment.
  1. (baseball) Between the baselines.
fellatio Tweet Definition of fellatio Like Definition of fellatio on Facebook
  1. oral sex in which the penis of one of the participants is orally stimulated (by licking, or sucking).
fetoscope Tweet Definition of fetoscope Like Definition of fetoscope on Facebook
  1. a flexible fibreoptic device used to view a foetus in the womb
  2. a form of stethoscope for listening to the foetal heartbeat
floater Tweet Definition of floater Like Definition of floater on Facebook
  1. Anything that floats.
  2. An employee of a company who does not have fixed tasks to do but fills in wherever needed, usually when someone else is away.
  3. A threadlike speck in the visual field that seems to move, possibly caused by degeneration of the vitreous humour.
  4. An "extra" male at a dinner party, or a young friend of the hostess, whose assignment is to entertain the female guests.
  5. (insurance) A policy covering property at more than one location or which may be in transit.
  6. (police jargon) A floating corpse picked up from a body of water.
  7. (sports) An unaffiliated player.
  8. (surfing) A maneuver in which a surfer transitions above the unbroken face of the wave onto the lip, or on top of the breaking section of the wave.
  9. (vulgar) A piece of faeces that floats.
2004: He left a floater in the toilet. — poetry critical workshop
  1. (two-up) A coin which does not spin when thrown in the air.
1998: In this section "floater" means a spin in which at least 1 of the coins does not turn over in the air at least once. — Queensland government Casino Gaming Amendment Rule (No. 2) 1998
  1. Someone who attaches themselves to a group of people, much to the dismay of that group, and repeatedly shows up to participate in group activities despite attempts to get rid of, or "flush," that person.
foreplay Tweet Definition of foreplay Like Definition of foreplay on Facebook
  1. In human sexual behavior, the acts at the beginning of a sexual encounter that serve to build up sexual arousal, sometimes in preparation for sexual intercourse or another act meant to bring about orgasm.
fornication Tweet Definition of fornication Like Definition of fornication on Facebook
  1. Sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse, especially on the part of an unmarried person.
  2. The act of such illicit sexual intercourse between a man and a woman which does not by law amount to adultery.
1604 I am the sister of one Claudio, Condemn'd upon the act of To lose his head; condemn'd by Angelo " Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, Act 5, Scene 1
1611 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, , uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. " Galatians 5:19-21 KJV
frottage Tweet Definition of frottage Like Definition of frottage on Facebook
  1. an erotic act involving rubbing against random people in crowds
verb to frottage
  1. to rub a drawing implement (eg. a pencil, crayon or charcoal) over a piece of paper placed upon a textured surface in order to create a mottled or patterned area.
fulgurate Tweet Definition of fulgurate Like Definition of fulgurate on Facebook
verb (fulgurat, ing)
  1. (medicine) To cauterize with electricity; to engage in electrofulgeration or to electrocauterize.
functional Tweet Definition of functional Like Definition of functional on Facebook
  1. (mathematics) A function that takes other functions as its argument.
  1. In good working order.
  2. Useful; serving a purpose
That sculpture is not merely artistic, but also . It can be used as a hatrack.
  1. (comptheory) Having semantics defined purely in terms of mathematical functions, without side-effects.

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