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abirritant Tweet Definition of abirritant Like Definition of abirritant on Facebook
  1. (medicine) A medicine that diminishes irritation.
abirritate Tweet Definition of abirritate Like Definition of abirritate on Facebook
verb (abirritat, ing)
  1. (transitive, medicine) To diminish the sensibility of; to debilitate.
abortion Tweet Definition of abortion Like Definition of abortion on Facebook
  1. The cessation of pregnancy or fetal development; a miscarriage.
  2. An induced abortion.
  3. The act of induce, inducing abortion.
  4. The immature product of an untimely birth.
  5. (biology) Arrest of development of any organ, so that it remains an imperfect formation or is absorbed.
  6. Any fruit or produce that does not come to maturity, or anything which in its progress, before it is matured or perfect
  7. The act of aborting a project, a mission, etc, before it is completed.
  8. Something ugly, an artistic atrocity.
accouchement Tweet Definition of accouchement Like Definition of accouchement on Facebook
  1. Delivery in childbed
    "Custom required that the royal family and the whole Court should be present at the accouchement of the Princesses."
acoustic Tweet Definition of acoustic Like Definition of acoustic on Facebook
  1. (medicine) A medicine or other agent to assist hearing.
  1. Pertaining to the sense of hearing, the organs of hearing, or the science of sounds; auditory.
  2. (music) Naturally producing or produced by an instrument without electrical amplification, as an acoustic guitar or acoustic piano.
acupressure Tweet Definition of acupressure Like Definition of acupressure on Facebook
  1. A mode of arresting hemorrhage resulting from wounds or surgical operations, by passing under the divided vessel a needle, the ends of which are left exposed externally on the cutaneous surface.
adenology Tweet Definition of adenology Like Definition of adenology on Facebook
  1. The part of physiology that treats of the glands.
adhesive tape Tweet Definition of adhesive tape Like Definition of adhesive tape on Facebook
  1. Sticky tape, typically white in color and 1/2 to 1 inch wide, intended for use in fastening bandages and related healthcare applications.
adjuvant Tweet Definition of adjuvant Like Definition of adjuvant on Facebook
noun (plural adjuvants)
  1. A thing which aids or assists; an auxiliary.
  2. One who helps or facilitates; an assistant.
  3. (Medicine) An additive (as in a drug) that aids or modifies the action of the principal ingredient.
  4. (Medicine) Something (as in a method) that enhances the effectiveness of a medical treatment.
  5. (Immunology) A substance enhancing the immune response to an antigen.
  1. The noun used as a modifier.
administration Tweet Definition of administration Like Definition of administration on Facebook
  1. The act of administering; government of public affairs; the service rendered, or duties assumed, in conducting affairs; the conducting of any office or employment; direction; management.
  2. The executive part of government; the persons collectively who are intrusted with the execution of laws and the superintendence of public affairs; the chief magistrate and his cabinet or council; or the council, or ministry, alone, as in Great Britain.
  3. The act of administering, or tendering something to another; dispensation; as, the administration of a medicine, of an oath, of justice, or of the sacrament.
aesculapian Tweet Definition of aesculapian Like Definition of aesculapian on Facebook
adjective Aesculapian
  1. Of or belonging to Aesculapius, the Greco-Roman god of medicine, or the healing art.
afebrile Tweet Definition of afebrile Like Definition of afebrile on Facebook
  1. having no fever
afterbirth Tweet Definition of afterbirth Like Definition of afterbirth on Facebook
  1. The placenta and other material expelled via the birth canal following childbirth.
aftercare Tweet Definition of aftercare Like Definition of aftercare on Facebook
  1. The care given to a patient during recovery from an operation or after hospitalization.
aftereffect Tweet Definition of aftereffect Like Definition of aftereffect on Facebook
  1. Any delayed effect; an effect which is not immediately manifested.
airway Tweet Definition of airway Like Definition of airway on Facebook
noun (plural airways)
  1. (anatomy) The trachea.
alterative Tweet Definition of alterative Like Definition of alterative on Facebook
  1. A medicine or treatment which gradually induces a change, and restores healthy functions without sensible evacuations.
  1. Causing alteration. Specifically: Gradually changing, or tending to change, a morbid state of the functions into one of health. --Burton.
ambidextrous Tweet Definition of ambidextrous Like Definition of ambidextrous on Facebook
  1. Having equal ability in both hands; in particular, able to write equally well with both hands.
  2. (humorous) Of a person, bisexual.
ambisexual Tweet Definition of ambisexual Like Definition of ambisexual on Facebook
noun (plural: ambisexuals)
  1. An ambisexual person.
  1. (deprecated) bisexual; attracted to persons of either sex.
  2. unisex; fit for persons of either sex.
  3. (slang) Of ambiguous sexual orientation.
ambulant Tweet Definition of ambulant Like Definition of ambulant on Facebook
  1. Able to walk.
amniocentesis Tweet Definition of amniocentesis Like Definition of amniocentesis on Facebook
  1. A procedure for obtaining amniotic fluid from a pregnant animal, by inserting a hollow needle through the abdominal wall and into the amniotic sac. Used in diagnosing possible genetic defects and/or obstetric complications.
anaesthesiology Tweet Definition of anaesthesiology Like Definition of anaesthesiology on Facebook
  1. The science of administering anaesthetics
analgesia Tweet Definition of analgesia Like Definition of analgesia on Facebook
  1. The absence of the sense of pain while remaining conscious.
anamnesis Tweet Definition of anamnesis Like Definition of anamnesis on Facebook
noun (anamnes, es, -)
  1. the ability to recall past events; recollection
  2. (medicine) the medical history of a patient
anaphrodisiac Tweet Definition of anaphrodisiac Like Definition of anaphrodisiac on Facebook
  1. Any substance that inhibits, reduces, or eliminates sexual desire and/or libido.
  1. antaphrodisiac
androgyne Tweet Definition of androgyne Like Definition of androgyne on Facebook
  1. A person who is androgynous.
androgynous Tweet Definition of androgynous Like Definition of androgynous on Facebook
  1. Pertaining to a characteristic that is not definitively male or female.
Names like Terry, Pat, and Jean are because they can be given to both men and women.
  1. A condition in which gender is unknown, ambivalent, indeterminate, or neuter.
  2. Possessing qualities of both sexes.
  3. Possessing both male and female sex organs.
anesthesia Tweet Definition of anesthesia Like Definition of anesthesia on Facebook
  1. (medicine) A method of preventing sensation, used to eliminate pain.
  2. The loss or prevention of pain, as caused by anesthesia.
anesthesiology Tweet Definition of anesthesiology Like Definition of anesthesiology on Facebook
noun (anesthesiologies)
  1. (medicine) The science, study, or practice of the use of anesthesia or anesthetics.
anesthetic Tweet Definition of anesthetic Like Definition of anesthetic on Facebook
noun (plural: anesthetics)
  1. A substance utilized by professional anesthesia providers such as anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists to reduce the pain of a patient and/or to render the patient unconscious.
anesthetize Tweet Definition of anesthetize Like Definition of anesthetize on Facebook
verb (anesthetizes, anesthetizing, anesthetized, anesthetized)
  1. To administer anesthesia.
angiology Tweet Definition of angiology Like Definition of angiology on Facebook
  1. The branch of anatomy dealing with blood vessels and lymphatics.
antibacterial Tweet Definition of antibacterial Like Definition of antibacterial on Facebook
  1. an antobacterial drug
  1. pertaining to something that fights or kills bacteria
antidote Tweet Definition of antidote Like Definition of antidote on Facebook
  1. A remedy to counteract the effects of poison (often followed by "against," "for," or "to").
She reached the hospital in time to receive the for the snake venom.
  1. Something that counteracts or prevents something harmful.
We need an for this misinformation.
antihypertensive Tweet Definition of antihypertensive Like Definition of antihypertensive on Facebook
  1. an agent that prevents or counteracts hypertension
  1. preventing or counteracting hypertension
antisepsis Tweet Definition of antisepsis Like Definition of antisepsis on Facebook
  1. The science and practice of countering microbial infection, as with the use of antiseptics, and the use of aseptic technique.
antiseptic Tweet Definition of antiseptic Like Definition of antiseptic on Facebook
  1. Any substance that inhibits the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.
  1. Of, or relating to antisepsis, or the use of antiseptics.
  2. Capable of preventing microbial infection.
  3. Very clean; aseptic.
  4. Free of unpleasantness; sanitized or bowdlerized.
antiseptically Tweet Definition of antiseptically Like Definition of antiseptically on Facebook
  1. in an antiseptic manner
  2. regarding antisepsis
aperient Tweet Definition of aperient Like Definition of aperient on Facebook
  1. a laxative, either in the form of a medicine or a food such as hops or asparagus, which has the effect of moving the bowels, or aiding digestion and preventing constipation.
  1. having a gentle laxative effect.
apheresis Tweet Definition of apheresis Like Definition of apheresis on Facebook
noun (wikipedia, pheresis)
  1. (medicine) The removal of blood from a patient in order that certain components (such as platelets) may be removed before transfusion back to the donor; pheresis or hemapheresis.
  2. (linguistics) The loss of letters or sounds from the beginning of a word, such as the development of special from especial.
arthroscope Tweet Definition of arthroscope Like Definition of arthroscope on Facebook
  1. a form of endoscope used in arthroscopy
artificial respiration Tweet Definition of artificial respiration Like Definition of artificial respiration on Facebook
  1. The manual or mechanical forcing of air into the lungs of a person who is not breathing in order to maintain life.
asepsis Tweet Definition of asepsis Like Definition of asepsis on Facebook
  1. The state of being free from sepsis
  2. The process of removing pathogenic organisms or protecting against such organisms
    • French: asepsie
aspirate Tweet Definition of aspirate Like Definition of aspirate on Facebook
noun (rfc-level, Noun at L4+ not in L3 Ety section)
  1. (linguistics) The puff of air accompany, accompanying the release of a plosive consonant.
  2. (linguistics) A sound produced by such a puff of air.
verb (aspirat, es)
  1. (context, transitive, linguistics) To follow a consonant with an audible puff of breath.
  2. (transitive) To remove gas by means of suction.
  3. (intransitive) To inhale; to draw into one's lungs.
aspirator Tweet Definition of aspirator Like Definition of aspirator on Facebook
  1. A pump which draws gas through a liquid.
  2. A pump for removing gases or liquids.
assisted suicide Tweet Definition of assisted suicide Like Definition of assisted suicide on Facebook
  1. Suicide with the help of another person; especially suicide of a terminally ill person with the help of a physician; euthanasia
asthenic Tweet Definition of asthenic Like Definition of asthenic on Facebook
  1. Characterized by, or pertaining to, debility; weak; debilitating.
astringent Tweet Definition of astringent Like Definition of astringent on Facebook
  1. A substance which draws tissue together, thus restricting the flow of blood.
  1. sharp, Sharp, caustic, severe.
  2. (medicine) Having the effect of drawing tissue together; styptic.
asymptomatic Tweet Definition of asymptomatic Like Definition of asymptomatic on Facebook
  1. (pathology) Not exhibiting any symptoms of disease.
audiology Tweet Definition of audiology Like Definition of audiology on Facebook
  1. the study of hearing and of hearing defects and their treatment
audiometer Tweet Definition of audiometer Like Definition of audiometer on Facebook
  1. An instrument which is used to determine the acuity of hearing.
auriscope Tweet Definition of auriscope Like Definition of auriscope on Facebook
  1. An instrument for examine, examining the condition of the ear.
auscultation Tweet Definition of auscultation Like Definition of auscultation on Facebook
noun ausctation
  1. listening, specifically for sounds produced within the body
  1. (medicine) diagnosis of disorders by listening to the sounds of the internal organs
autoclave Tweet Definition of autoclave Like Definition of autoclave on Facebook
  1. A strong, pressurized, heated vessel, as for laboratory experiments, sterilization, cooking or mineral processing.
  1. (transitive) To sterilize laboratory equipment in an .
autopsy Tweet Definition of autopsy Like Definition of autopsy on Facebook
noun (autopsies)
  1. A dissection performed on a cadaver to find possible cause(s) of death.
  2. Carry out a personal inspection; to see for one's self.
abirritant Tweet Definition of abirritant Like Definition of abirritant on Facebook
  1. (medicine) A medicine that diminishes irritation.
abirritate Tweet Definition of abirritate Like Definition of abirritate on Facebook
verb (abirritat, ing)
  1. (transitive, medicine) To diminish the sensibility of; to debilitate.
abortion Tweet Definition of abortion Like Definition of abortion on Facebook
  1. The cessation of pregnancy or fetal development; a miscarriage.
  2. An induced abortion.
  3. The act of induce, inducing abortion.
  4. The immature product of an untimely birth.
  5. (biology) Arrest of development of any organ, so that it remains an imperfect formation or is absorbed.
  6. Any fruit or produce that does not come to maturity, or anything which in its progress, before it is matured or perfect
  7. The act of aborting a project, a mission, etc, before it is completed.
  8. Something ugly, an artistic atrocity.
accouchement Tweet Definition of accouchement Like Definition of accouchement on Facebook
  1. Delivery in childbed
    "Custom required that the royal family and the whole Court should be present at the accouchement of the Princesses."
acoustic Tweet Definition of acoustic Like Definition of acoustic on Facebook
  1. (medicine) A medicine or other agent to assist hearing.
  1. Pertaining to the sense of hearing, the organs of hearing, or the science of sounds; auditory.
  2. (music) Naturally producing or produced by an instrument without electrical amplification, as an acoustic guitar or acoustic piano.
acupressure Tweet Definition of acupressure Like Definition of acupressure on Facebook
  1. A mode of arresting hemorrhage resulting from wounds or surgical operations, by passing under the divided vessel a needle, the ends of which are left exposed externally on the cutaneous surface.
adenology Tweet Definition of adenology Like Definition of adenology on Facebook
  1. The part of physiology that treats of the glands.
adhesive tape Tweet Definition of adhesive tape Like Definition of adhesive tape on Facebook
  1. Sticky tape, typically white in color and 1/2 to 1 inch wide, intended for use in fastening bandages and related healthcare applications.
adjuvant Tweet Definition of adjuvant Like Definition of adjuvant on Facebook
noun (plural adjuvants)
  1. A thing which aids or assists; an auxiliary.
  2. One who helps or facilitates; an assistant.
  3. (Medicine) An additive (as in a drug) that aids or modifies the action of the principal ingredient.
  4. (Medicine) Something (as in a method) that enhances the effectiveness of a medical treatment.
  5. (Immunology) A substance enhancing the immune response to an antigen.
  1. The noun used as a modifier.
administration Tweet Definition of administration Like Definition of administration on Facebook
  1. The act of administering; government of public affairs; the service rendered, or duties assumed, in conducting affairs; the conducting of any office or employment; direction; management.
  2. The executive part of government; the persons collectively who are intrusted with the execution of laws and the superintendence of public affairs; the chief magistrate and his cabinet or council; or the council, or ministry, alone, as in Great Britain.
  3. The act of administering, or tendering something to another; dispensation; as, the administration of a medicine, of an oath, of justice, or of the sacrament.
aesculapian Tweet Definition of aesculapian Like Definition of aesculapian on Facebook
adjective Aesculapian
  1. Of or belonging to Aesculapius, the Greco-Roman god of medicine, or the healing art.
afebrile Tweet Definition of afebrile Like Definition of afebrile on Facebook
  1. having no fever
afterbirth Tweet Definition of afterbirth Like Definition of afterbirth on Facebook
  1. The placenta and other material expelled via the birth canal following childbirth.
aftercare Tweet Definition of aftercare Like Definition of aftercare on Facebook
  1. The care given to a patient during recovery from an operation or after hospitalization.
aftereffect Tweet Definition of aftereffect Like Definition of aftereffect on Facebook
  1. Any delayed effect; an effect which is not immediately manifested.
airway Tweet Definition of airway Like Definition of airway on Facebook
noun (plural airways)
  1. (anatomy) The trachea.
alterative Tweet Definition of alterative Like Definition of alterative on Facebook
  1. A medicine or treatment which gradually induces a change, and restores healthy functions without sensible evacuations.
  1. Causing alteration. Specifically: Gradually changing, or tending to change, a morbid state of the functions into one of health. --Burton.
ambidextrous Tweet Definition of ambidextrous Like Definition of ambidextrous on Facebook
  1. Having equal ability in both hands; in particular, able to write equally well with both hands.
  2. (humorous) Of a person, bisexual.
ambisexual Tweet Definition of ambisexual Like Definition of ambisexual on Facebook
noun (plural: ambisexuals)
  1. An ambisexual person.
  1. (deprecated) bisexual; attracted to persons of either sex.
  2. unisex; fit for persons of either sex.
  3. (slang) Of ambiguous sexual orientation.
ambulant Tweet Definition of ambulant Like Definition of ambulant on Facebook
  1. Able to walk.
amniocentesis Tweet Definition of amniocentesis Like Definition of amniocentesis on Facebook
  1. A procedure for obtaining amniotic fluid from a pregnant animal, by inserting a hollow needle through the abdominal wall and into the amniotic sac. Used in diagnosing possible genetic defects and/or obstetric complications.
anaesthesiology Tweet Definition of anaesthesiology Like Definition of anaesthesiology on Facebook
  1. The science of administering anaesthetics
analgesia Tweet Definition of analgesia Like Definition of analgesia on Facebook
  1. The absence of the sense of pain while remaining conscious.
anamnesis Tweet Definition of anamnesis Like Definition of anamnesis on Facebook
noun (anamnes, es, -)
  1. the ability to recall past events; recollection
  2. (medicine) the medical history of a patient
anaphrodisiac Tweet Definition of anaphrodisiac Like Definition of anaphrodisiac on Facebook
  1. Any substance that inhibits, reduces, or eliminates sexual desire and/or libido.
  1. antaphrodisiac
androgyne Tweet Definition of androgyne Like Definition of androgyne on Facebook
  1. A person who is androgynous.
androgynous Tweet Definition of androgynous Like Definition of androgynous on Facebook
  1. Pertaining to a characteristic that is not definitively male or female.
Names like Terry, Pat, and Jean are because they can be given to both men and women.
  1. A condition in which gender is unknown, ambivalent, indeterminate, or neuter.
  2. Possessing qualities of both sexes.
  3. Possessing both male and female sex organs.
anesthesia Tweet Definition of anesthesia Like Definition of anesthesia on Facebook
  1. (medicine) A method of preventing sensation, used to eliminate pain.
  2. The loss or prevention of pain, as caused by anesthesia.
anesthesiology Tweet Definition of anesthesiology Like Definition of anesthesiology on Facebook
noun (anesthesiologies)
  1. (medicine) The science, study, or practice of the use of anesthesia or anesthetics.
anesthetic Tweet Definition of anesthetic Like Definition of anesthetic on Facebook
noun (plural: anesthetics)
  1. A substance utilized by professional anesthesia providers such as anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists to reduce the pain of a patient and/or to render the patient unconscious.
anesthetize Tweet Definition of anesthetize Like Definition of anesthetize on Facebook
verb (anesthetizes, anesthetizing, anesthetized, anesthetized)
  1. To administer anesthesia.
angiology Tweet Definition of angiology Like Definition of angiology on Facebook
  1. The branch of anatomy dealing with blood vessels and lymphatics.
antibacterial Tweet Definition of antibacterial Like Definition of antibacterial on Facebook
  1. an antobacterial drug
  1. pertaining to something that fights or kills bacteria
antidote Tweet Definition of antidote Like Definition of antidote on Facebook
  1. A remedy to counteract the effects of poison (often followed by "against," "for," or "to").
She reached the hospital in time to receive the for the snake venom.
  1. Something that counteracts or prevents something harmful.
We need an for this misinformation.
antihypertensive Tweet Definition of antihypertensive Like Definition of antihypertensive on Facebook
  1. an agent that prevents or counteracts hypertension
  1. preventing or counteracting hypertension
antisepsis Tweet Definition of antisepsis Like Definition of antisepsis on Facebook
  1. The science and practice of countering microbial infection, as with the use of antiseptics, and the use of aseptic technique.
antiseptic Tweet Definition of antiseptic Like Definition of antiseptic on Facebook
  1. Any substance that inhibits the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.
  1. Of, or relating to antisepsis, or the use of antiseptics.
  2. Capable of preventing microbial infection.
  3. Very clean; aseptic.
  4. Free of unpleasantness; sanitized or bowdlerized.
antiseptically Tweet Definition of antiseptically Like Definition of antiseptically on Facebook
  1. in an antiseptic manner
  2. regarding antisepsis
aperient Tweet Definition of aperient Like Definition of aperient on Facebook
  1. a laxative, either in the form of a medicine or a food such as hops or asparagus, which has the effect of moving the bowels, or aiding digestion and preventing constipation.
  1. having a gentle laxative effect.
apheresis Tweet Definition of apheresis Like Definition of apheresis on Facebook
noun (wikipedia, pheresis)
  1. (medicine) The removal of blood from a patient in order that certain components (such as platelets) may be removed before transfusion back to the donor; pheresis or hemapheresis.
  2. (linguistics) The loss of letters or sounds from the beginning of a word, such as the development of special from especial.
arthroscope Tweet Definition of arthroscope Like Definition of arthroscope on Facebook
  1. a form of endoscope used in arthroscopy
artificial respiration Tweet Definition of artificial respiration Like Definition of artificial respiration on Facebook
  1. The manual or mechanical forcing of air into the lungs of a person who is not breathing in order to maintain life.
asepsis Tweet Definition of asepsis Like Definition of asepsis on Facebook
  1. The state of being free from sepsis
  2. The process of removing pathogenic organisms or protecting against such organisms
    • French: asepsie
aspirate Tweet Definition of aspirate Like Definition of aspirate on Facebook
noun (rfc-level, Noun at L4+ not in L3 Ety section)
  1. (linguistics) The puff of air accompany, accompanying the release of a plosive consonant.
  2. (linguistics) A sound produced by such a puff of air.
verb (aspirat, es)
  1. (context, transitive, linguistics) To follow a consonant with an audible puff of breath.
  2. (transitive) To remove gas by means of suction.
  3. (intransitive) To inhale; to draw into one's lungs.
aspirator Tweet Definition of aspirator Like Definition of aspirator on Facebook
  1. A pump which draws gas through a liquid.
  2. A pump for removing gases or liquids.
assisted suicide Tweet Definition of assisted suicide Like Definition of assisted suicide on Facebook
  1. Suicide with the help of another person; especially suicide of a terminally ill person with the help of a physician; euthanasia
asthenic Tweet Definition of asthenic Like Definition of asthenic on Facebook
  1. Characterized by, or pertaining to, debility; weak; debilitating.
astringent Tweet Definition of astringent Like Definition of astringent on Facebook
  1. A substance which draws tissue together, thus restricting the flow of blood.
  1. sharp, Sharp, caustic, severe.
  2. (medicine) Having the effect of drawing tissue together; styptic.
asymptomatic Tweet Definition of asymptomatic Like Definition of asymptomatic on Facebook
  1. (pathology) Not exhibiting any symptoms of disease.
audiology Tweet Definition of audiology Like Definition of audiology on Facebook
  1. the study of hearing and of hearing defects and their treatment
audiometer Tweet Definition of audiometer Like Definition of audiometer on Facebook
  1. An instrument which is used to determine the acuity of hearing.
auriscope Tweet Definition of auriscope Like Definition of auriscope on Facebook
  1. An instrument for examine, examining the condition of the ear.
auscultation Tweet Definition of auscultation Like Definition of auscultation on Facebook
noun ausctation
  1. listening, specifically for sounds produced within the body
  1. (medicine) diagnosis of disorders by listening to the sounds of the internal organs
autoclave Tweet Definition of autoclave Like Definition of autoclave on Facebook
  1. A strong, pressurized, heated vessel, as for laboratory experiments, sterilization, cooking or mineral processing.
  1. (transitive) To sterilize laboratory equipment in an .
autopsy Tweet Definition of autopsy Like Definition of autopsy on Facebook
noun (autopsies)
  1. A dissection performed on a cadaver to find possible cause(s) of death.
  2. Carry out a personal inspection; to see for one's self.

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