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Clueword is a multilingual word puzzle where the clues and answers are in different languages. Play multi-player games with others in a language that you like: Japanese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Malay, Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Portuguese, or Swedish.

Dutch Scrabble Online

You can play scrabble on-line. There are also links to other scrabble games that are in foreign languages. The webpage is in Dutch.

Lingo�s Homepage

Lingo is an addictive and entertaining game similar to Master Mind but the aim is to uncover a valid English word. The aim of the game is to uncover a valid word from five different user-customizable dictionaries which include English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Also it is possible to play in free mode without a dictionary.


Majstro has a multilingual on-line translation dictionary. They also have a Hangman game in 15 different languages.

Pixie Pit

You can play Scrabble by e-mail. There are 2, 3, and 4 player games. The game is playable in 11 languages.

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