Dutch |
| proper noun
- The main language of the Netherlands and Flanders (i.e., the northern half of Belgium).
- The people from the Netherlands.
- (archaic) The main language of the Holy Roman Empire(Germany, Austria, Alsace, Luxemburg)
- (archaic) A German
- Of or pertaining to the Netherlands, the Dutch people or the Dutch language.
- In a shared manner; of a shared expense.
- (archaic) Pertaining to the Dutch, the Germans, and the Goths.
Etymology: From íeod (meaning a people, a nation); akin to Old Dutch dietsc, diutsch, íeód, thiod, thioda, (Goth.) íiuda; compare with w:German language, German deutsch "German", w:Lithuanian language, Lithuanian tauta, people, w:Old Irish language, Old Irish tuath, people, Oscan 'touto'. The English have applied the name especially to the Germanic people living nearest them, the Dutch people, and meant for the usage to apply to most West Germanic people. See Derrick, Teuton, Teutonic.
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