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IT Tweet Definition of IT Like Definition of IT on Facebook
  1. information technology, Information technology.

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ITA Tweet Definition of ITA Like Definition of ITA on Facebook
  1. The Independent Television Authority.
  2. Initial Teaching Alphabet.

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It boy Tweet Definition of It boy Like Definition of It boy on Facebook
  1. a sexually attractive male celebrity, such as a film star with sex symbol status
Etymology: By analogy with It girl

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It girl Tweet Definition of It girl Like Definition of It girl on Facebook
  1. (rfquote-sense) A woman who is in vogue, typically as an actress, model, socialite, or the like.
Etymology: Originally applied to actress w:Clara Bow, Clara Bow, who starred in a film titled w:It (1927 film), It ((term, it) being a euphemism for sex appeal).

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Italian Tweet Definition of Italian Like Definition of Italian on Facebook
  1. An inhabitant of Italy or a person of Italian descent.
  2. The official language of Italy, also spoken in San Marino, the Vatican, and parts of Switzerland.
  1. pertain, Pertaining to Italy, its people or its language.
Etymology: Italian italiano, from Italia, Italy.

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Italian grip Tweet Definition of Italian grip Like Definition of Italian grip on Facebook
  1. (fencing) A grip used for foil and épée that consists of a straight block of wood or aluminum wrapped in a rubber grip-tape

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Italianate Tweet Definition of Italianate Like Definition of Italianate on Facebook
verb (Italianat, es)
  1. To Italianize
  1. Italian in style or character
2001, Death by Darjeeling, Laura Childs, Page 15
:"This was a residence designed for living on a grand scale, with gilt chandeliers dangling overhead, rich oil paintings adorning walls, and marble fireplaces in every room."
Etymology: (suffix, Italian, ate)

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Italianisation Tweet Definition of Italianisation Like Definition of Italianisation on Facebook
  1. (alternative spelling of, Italianization)

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Italianization Tweet Definition of Italianization Like Definition of Italianization on Facebook
  1. the conversion of a non-Italian culture to an Italian one

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Italianize Tweet Definition of Italianize Like Definition of Italianize on Facebook
verb (Italianiz, es)
  1. (transitive) To give something Italian characteristics
  2. (intransitive) To adopt an Italian way of life, or Italian manners

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Italians Tweet Definition of Italians Like Definition of Italians on Facebook
  1. (plural of, Italian)

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Italic Tweet Definition of Italic Like Definition of Italic on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. An Italic language
  1. of, or relating to Italy
  2. (context, linguistics) Pertaining to a subfamily of the w:Centum-Satem isogloss, Centum branch of the Indo-European language family, that includes Latin and other languages (as Oscan, Umbrian) spoken by the peoples of ancient Italy and also the Romance languages (Italian, French, Spanish, etc.); the group of ancient languages of this branch as contrasted with the modern Romance languages; Osco-Umbrian
The ancient languages that are now extinct include w:Oscan, w:Umbrian, and w:South Picene.
  1. (context, ancient history) Pertaining to various peoples that lived in Italy before the establishment of the Roman empire, or to any of several alphabet systems used by those peoples for writing their languages.
''There were several alphabets, one being the Etruscan alphabet.

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it Tweet Definition of it Like Definition of it on Facebook
pronoun (subjective and objective, it, reflexive and intensive, itself, possessive adjective and noun, its)
  1. The third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to a non-human entity, to an inanimate thing with no or unknown sex or gender.
Put over there.
Take each day as comes.
  1. The impersonal pronoun, used without referent as the subject of an impersonal verb or statement.
It is nearly 10 o"clock.
It"s very cold today.
It"s lonely without you.
  1. The impersonal pronoun, used as a placeholder for a delayed subject, or less commonly, object.
It is easy to see how she would think that.
I find odd that you would say that.
He saw to that everyone would vote for him.
abbreviation It or It. or
  1. (i, language) Italian.
  2. Italy.
Etymology: (term, hit, lang=ang).

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it's Tweet Definition of it Like Definition of it
Etymology: Contraction of "it is" or "it has".

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it's not the end of the world Tweet Definition of it Like Definition of it
  1. (idiom) It's of minor importance.
    Don't worry; it's not the end of the world if he doesn't attend.

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it is what it is Tweet Definition of it is what it is Like Definition of it is what it is on Facebook
  1. Reference to a circumstance that must be dealt with as it exists.
  2. that's life, That's life.

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itaconic acid Tweet Definition of itaconic acid Like Definition of itaconic acid on Facebook
  1. (chemistry) one of the isomeric dicarboxylic acids produced by the distillation of citric acid, or as metabolites by microorganisms, CH2=C(CO2H)-CH2CO2H

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italic Tweet Definition of italic Like Definition of italic on Facebook
  1. (context, typography) Pertaining to a typeface or font: having letters designed to resemble a handwriting style developed in Italy in the 16th century.
  2. (context, typography) Pertaining to a typeface or font: having letters that slant or lean to the right; oblique.
An or oblique font is used for various purposes including emphasis, conforming to the convention for species names, denoting foreign words or phrases, etc.

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