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One of Europe's leading teacher training centres, our TEFL/TESOL courses provide the modules and materials necessary for international certfication. The course of 130 hours syllabus includes teaching practice with real students; mentored and step by step guided projects; job guidance and job placement assistance. We offer four carefully designed courses, each leading to an internationally accredited TEFL/TESOL certification. The courses on offer are: - 4 week rigorous - 5 week intensive - 8 week part-time - 6 or 8 week combined TEFL/Spanish language All courses are moderated and take place onsite. Apply online.

The Boston Language Institute - TEFL Certification

The Boston Language Institute offers a unique program for those interested in teaching English both in the United States and abroad. The TEFL Certificate Program presents trainees with an opportunity to learn interactively through skill-building activities.

INTESOL International

INTESOL International is a global TESOL training organization, offering College of Teachers and University accredited TESOL/TEFL courses. Your first step to a new adventure teaching English abroad! Study online, on-site or a combination of both.

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