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Absolute Lyrics

This is a searchable music lyrics database; you can also browse by artists and songs. There is a list of daily popular lyrics and daily popular artists.

AZ lyrics

The site has the lyrics for basically every new and old song. You can request a lyric if you do not find it on the site. You can browse by artist or band.

Best Lyrics

Finding the lyric you need is easy on Best Lyrics, you can use their Lyrics Browser or use their search function. At the moment their database contains 68979 lyrics!

Big Lyrics Collection

The collection of musical lyric contains love songs, rock songs, pop songs, oldies, etc. They provide information of the number of searches done on a particular lyric so that you can easily figure out which of the lyrics are most popular.

Chester Bennington Italy

Inspirational music, written in Italian, by Robert Plant & Scott Weiland. The site includes a biography.

Dont Hum

...where humming stops. There main page has a list of lyrics that were recently added to their database. You can search their database by artist/band name or song title.

Hebrew Songs

This site consists of a collection of Hebrew songs with sound clips. The songs are transliterated and translated into English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and other languages. You can search by song or artist.

Hottest Lyrics

This site has an archive of only the hottest and newest songs lyrics displayed by title from your favorite artists. There is no charge for their service but they ask you to visit one of their sponsors (the many banners on the page).

This site contains an archive of misunderstood lyrics. You can view by song or artist, and you may submit anecdotes about when you have misunderstood lyrics.


LineDanceCompany has list of links and articles regarding line dance. It has links to dance jobs, country music, salsa dance lessons, etc.

This is a searchable archive site for lyrics! It is updated daily with new full albums lyrics. It includes requests, forums, and top lyrics.


This site provides lyrics sorted by artist and album. You can search for lyrics for any song of any kind and style you like from your favourite artist, band or concert.

Lyrics Domain

Lyrics Domain is a search engine of many lyrics. They list lyrics by performing artist/band. There is also a forum and a logo page.

Lyrics Fly

Lyricsfly is a collection of song lyrics indexed by suggesting search results in real time as fast as you type in the search box. The site is popup free.

Lyrics Heaven

This site offers lyrics categorized by band name in alphabetical order. It also includes a discussion board.

Lyrics Info

This website is a surfer-friendly lyrics resource organized by artist name, album, and year of release. You can browse by letter or use a search box.

Lyrics Station

This site is a lyrics search engine. You can browse lyrics alphabetically or by artist. LyricsStation is a combination of automatic crawler and human monitoring.

Lyrics Style

This site has most lyrics - new and old. You can search alphabetically by artist or by band.

Lyrics Time�

Creative content with huge song lyrics collection of numerous full albums, a song lyrics search engine, ability to add/request/comment song lyrics, and send song lyrics to friend.

Lyrics Trax

They have a collection of links to music related resources on their web site. This includes rap music, rock music, top 40, heavy metal and country music; and from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and today. has a collection of lyrics from all over the world. The songs are categorized alphabetically and by artists.

This site contains the lyrics to thousands of songs which you can find by browsing by artist. This site also features a music forum, a chat room, music trivia (in which you have to identify what song lyrics are from), and more.

Lyricspy is a lyrics database. You can search by artist, lyrics, or alphabetically. You can request a lyric.


Free lyrics, both latest and oldies, can be retrieve here. You can share lyrics with the rest of the world!

Music Find

Search musical system on mp3-files, music for mobile phones, to texts and chords for a guitar. Musical news. The information on groups and executors. The site is in English and Russian.

Music Song Lyrics

This site contains popular song lyrics sorted by artists and albums. Music Song Lyrics is a not-for-profit organization.

Real Lyrics

They have a collection of song lyrics of all genres and ages. Browse songs by alphabet or by artist. claims you will definitely find any lyrics you are looking for. You can search by artist, albums, songs, images, full texts, phrase, or clicking on a letter.

Song Lyrics By Mars

Song Lyrics By Mars is a song lyrics search site. Download, play, & burn unlimited music and movies for only a buck a month. They have a Top Songs of the Month email service.

Song Lyrics From A To Z

Song Lyrics From A To Z has lyrics collections of various music artists and bands. This site is updated almost daily.

Top 50 Lyrics

This site contains popular lyrics and lyrics links; it includes all music styles. You can browse their database by artist's name.

Utter Lyrics

This is a lyrics database organized alphabetically, by artist and album. It is updated daily. Lyrics included are popular, rap, etc.

Vast Lyrics

At Vast Lyrics you will find lyrics to pretty much any song you can think of. There are more than 115 000 song lyrics available via an easy to use search engine. You can submit lyrics.

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