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Aussie Slang is a fun searchable dictionary of Australian Slang words and Aussie phrases with an insight into the culture and customs behind the language. Aussie Slang also includes the Global Slang & Dialect Resources Directory listing 100s of slang and dialect sites for various countries, languages, and social groups.

Australian Slang Dictionary

This slang dictionary inhabits a single, easy to read webpage. Part of Koala Net, this page tries to provide only Aussie slang and not British or American.

Cockney Rhyming Slang FAQ

They incorporate brand new Cockney rhyming slang from London, England and rhyming slang from all over the UK. There is a listing of the most popular phrases.

Dictionary of UK Slang

This is the place to find the meaning of all the British slang that you hear on PBS and BBC America. This site contains mostly off color slang terms.

Dublin Slang Dictionary and Phrasebook

This site is a guide on how to Speak English in Dublin for the unsuspecting traveller. The slang survival guide has lashings of words and piles of sound advice on the use and meaning of a common phrase.

Everyday English and Slang in Ireland

This is an online dictionary of Irish Slang. The site is regularly updated. You can search the site alphabetically or put a term in the search box.

Hebrew Language

Here you'll find some resources to help you to understand the Hebrew language better. This includes: the history, useful phrases, Hebrew language schools listing, dictionary, and Hebrew slang.

La Chuleta Venezolana

La Chuleta Venezolana is a online Venezuelan jargon dictionary. It has regional sections, common phrases, and expressions used by Venezuelans. It's a searchable database, with cross-referencing, usage and in some cases translations.

This is a dictionary of London slang with explanation of the word origin. Some slang found in this dictionary may offend some people. Most slang contained herein is used currently.

Wicked Good Guide to Boston English

This site contains the slang spoken in Boston. The site also includes pronunciations, vocabulary, and place names.

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