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At this site you can rate euphemisms and submit your own that you have made up. Many of the submissions may be considered vulgar. You can also read the history of euphemisms.

Pun Gents

Their quest is to generate wide spread acceptance of puns as a valid form of humour. Their site offers Punshine Girls, Punshine Boys, puns of the day and customized personalized punning service.

Pun Liners

Pun Liners features original puns and wordplay of Punmaster Dan. You can also submit your own puns.

Pun of the Day

This site features a service that sends you a new pun via e-mail each day. It also contains a bookstore, a pun search, laugh links, and an option to submit your own puns. There are some bad jokes but that's why they are funny!


This site contains crosswords, word searches, jigsaw puzzles, words, and wordplay, including Tom Swifties, palindromes, tongue twisters, and silly authors. There is also a daily section of new puzzles.

Top Pun

Top Pun has puns on serious social action with playful irreverence. You can sign-up email notices of their latest puns and products. Pun examples: The pun is mightier than the sword. Justice is no yoke!

Will Palindrome Pages

This is a selection of palindromes, including an extremely long one; and a variety of illustrated and themed palindromes. (This is a personal web site.)

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