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Baby Name Addicts

Baby Name Addicts has over 51,000 names, with meanings, origins, popularity graphs, surveys, and more. They research their names, striving for accuracy. They do not dress up or water down a meaning to make it sound flattering nor geared it to a specific gender.

Baby Names

Baby Names is an online database of muslim baby names with their meanings. This site is geared towards people of the Islam faith.

Baby Names Box

Search The Baby Names Box for over 6,000 names and their meanings. For the young at heart, check out the Disney Names, Fairy Names, J.R. Tolkien Names, and Names from the literary classics.

Baby Names Now

Browse baby names and meanings for boys and girls and keep a personalized favorites list. You will also find links useful tips on naming your baby, putting a baby diaper bag together, organizing a baby shower, pregnancy diets, as well as fun baby facts.

Baby Names with Meaning

Babynology provides you with a comprehensive tool for reviewing baby names. They've sorted names by countries of origin/popularity to make it easy for you to find list of great names for your baby.

If you are trying to think of the right name for your baby, this is the site to visit. Features a huge, easily searchable database of names (including the meaning). Also features a bulletin board, a naming service, and baby gifts.

Behind The Name

This site explores the etymology of first names. It features an introduction to etymology, sources of first names in different cultures, and a message board. It has other information such as the most popular names, logical names for twins, common elements in the naming process, and an option to vote online for your favorite name.

Hebrew Baby Names

This site provides a list of Hebrew and Yiddish baby names. You can also buy original art with the Hebrew or Yiddish names

Old World Family Names

Old World Family Names offers a full range of products and services providing information and history of family names from around the world. When you find out about your family, you can order gifts, including embroidered and hand-painted Coats of Arms, as well as T-shirts, hats, rings, pendants and other items.

Places Named

This site lists popularity of surnames and geographical names, along with statistics on the word. They also state the source of their information. You can browse the database by clicking on a letter then searching the list; there is no search box.

Strategic Name Development, Inc.

This company assists with naming businesses & products and naming research. This site also contains articles about naming businesses, their portfolio, and a list of their clients.

Think! Baby Names

Baby names research on the meaning, origin, history, religious significance, and popularity of first names. There is a listing of the first 100 popular names used for girls and boys.

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