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AbbreviationZ is a comprehensive directory and search engine for acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms on the Internet. It supplies definition results for a specific term, grouped by categories. It also provides the ability to browse a list of terms that relates to a specific subject.

Acronym Attic

You can search for acronyms and abbreviations at Acronym Attic. The dictionary has not been reviewed by a human editor and may contain inappropriate or offensive content. This site is powered by Acronym Finder.

Acronym Finder

This is a dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms. It concentrates on computers, technology, telecommunications, and military acronyms and abbreviations. You can do a reverse lookup.

Belair Dictionaries

This site a list of dictionaries, translation dictionaries, and acronym dictionaries. You can view their site in French and in English.

Cat Fanciers Glossary

This is a glossary of cat terms along with acronyms. It is written by Fanciers which is a private, unmoderated list, intended for discussions or announcements specifically relating to showing and breeding cats.

Environment Acronyms

This site, on environmental acronyms, is written by the EPA. Some acronyms have more than one meaning. Multiple meanings are listed, separated by semi-colons.

FHOF - Acronyms

This is a list translating those strange acronyms and symbols you see in cyberspace messages. It includes true acronyms, expressions, and emoticons.

Internet Acronym Server

Besides being able to search for an acronym, this site includes the definition of and the history of acronyms. You can make suggestions for additions.

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