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American Short Story: A Selective Chronology

This site contains a chronological list of publications in the history of the American short story. The site is divided up by the following periods: Romantic, Realistic, Naturalistic, Modernism, Postwar, Confessional, and Postmodernism periods

Crossword Adventures with Oxbrain

This site has illustrated adventure stories with themed crosswords complementing the storyline. You can follow and enjoy the stories without solving the crosswords. Oxbrain the Ox is the main character.

Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Since 1995 The Dead Mule has been providing fiction, essays, poetry and photography that deal with the southern United States. Comin ova an siupt far a readn.


FictionPress is a network of origional fiction, including ratings, a review system, and free uploads. As a writer, this is a place to showcase your creativity and for a reader, FictionPress. This site is an offshoot of


Geschichten is a personal website containing short philosophic stories. The website is in German.

Judith Stock's Adventures in Writing: A wealth of wonderful articles that transport readers to new places, introduce them to interesting people and projects, and provide hours of interesting reading on a variety of topics. Pure enjoyment.

Kids Front

This is a resource for a child, which include short stories and coloring pages and links to other kid related sites. The site is free.


This site contains short stories, discussion board with an English section in it, writing contests, informations about famous authors, and a chat room. You can add your critique of the short stories. This site also has a forum. The website is in German.

Poe Stories

This site contains short stories and poems by Edgar Allan Poe, story summaries, quotes, and linked vocabulary words and definitions for educational reading. It also includes a short biography, a timeline of his life, and links to other Poe sites.


This site is a free educational and leisure resource for students, teachers, parents, and home tutors. It is a bookstore which sells textbooks, both English and math. It features free fables on-line; mathematics & English educational tips, tutorials, worksheets, homework help, and quizzes; and suggestions for teacher curriculum.

Short Stories at the East of the Web

Stories can be read online, printed or downloaded for reading offline or on handheld devices. They have a monthly-published story. You can browse the library by genre or search it for a title, author or keyword.

Story Palace

This site has three main sections: inspirational stories (in English and in Indonesia), Jokes and humor, and stories for children. This site is designed for families - their jokes are all clean.

The Humor Writer

Carole Moore, humorist and freelance writer, captures the wacky world of work-at-home parents who against all odds, manage to make a living under circumstances that would send Wall Street CEOs to their knees in prayer! Her original monthly series is called "The Perils of Eileen".

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