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Big Bridge

This is an on-line literary review of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction, reviews. Eclectic in taste and home of Big Bridge Press, and Poets In Need, Inc., a foundation for helping poets in health crisis.

Creative Poems

This site is for the enjoyment of all amateur and aspiring poets to post and display their work. You will get feedback on your poems and meet other poets just like you that share the same interests.


This site contains an anthology of poems by poets all over the world. They specialize in the promotion of new poets, women poets, and recognized authors. It is devoted to the cause of poetry and literature so that our planet may be a better place to live in.

Free Poetry from Voices Network

VoicesNet.com is a poetry and writers website. They have forums, workshops, games, poets in residence, a literary e-zine, an international literacy program, online audio, and much more.

Pittsburgh Poetry Exchange

Pittsburgh Poetry Exchange is a community-based organization of local poets. They conduct ongoing workshops, poetry readings, forums, and other special events.

Poe Stories

This site contains short stories and poems by Edgar Allan Poe, story summaries, quotes, and linked vocabulary words and definitions for educational reading. It also includes a short biography, a timeline of his life, and links to other Poe sites.

Poetry and Quotes

Their mission is to bring poems and quotations of all varieties to the world wide web. Poetry and Quotes has love & relationship quotes and poems along with other famous quotes throughout history. They also have a forum and a place to post your poetry.

Poetry Daily

Poetry Daily is an anthology of contemporary poetry that each day brings readers a new poem from books, magazines and journals currently in print, along with information about featured poets and publishers, news from the poetry world, and occasional special features. It is a not-for-profit charitable corporation.

Poetry Magazine

Poetry magazine is published by The Poetry Foundation. It features poets and their poetry. They accept submissions of poetry (four poems or fewer). They have no special manuscript needs and no special requirements as to form or genre: we examine in turn all work received and accept that which seems best.


PoetryMagazine.com features poets from new to seasoned, from the recently published through long celebrated poets. Featured Poets are by invitation. This site also includes list of contests and streaming poetry in RealAudio.


This site has a calendar of poetry events, which lists all readings, festivals and slams in the city, for different regions. Additionally, the site has poems from various people; read the guidelines for submission. Poetz does not publish work that has previously appeared anywhere on the web.

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

This site has novels and poetry of William Shakespeare. It also has a search engine and a discussion forum. The site is operated by The Tech, the MIT newspaper.

The Interactive Poetry Pages

This is a real time poetry collaboration. You are invited to add a line to a poem in progress, and view the finished works.

Today�s Woman Writing Community

Today�s Woman Writing Community is a community for men and women over 18, where writers, poets, and columnists meet and exchange ideas, contest, rate and review and help each other succeed in the writing industry.

Zeek Magazine

Zeek Magazine is an independent Jewish journal of thought and culture, which features innovative writers, artists, and critics whose work speaks to questions of Jewish culture, society, and spirit. Zeek welcomes and often publishes unsolicited submissions of original poetry, art, fiction, and essays.

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