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Artful Writer

The Artful Writer was founded to advance the discussion of issues relevant to professional television and theatrical screenwriters. One of the publishers of this blog is Craig Mazin the co-writer of Scary Movie 3; the other publisher is Ted Elliott.

Golden Pencil

This blog provides resouces for writers including listings of freelance writing job openings. It is written by Anne Wayman who has written 12-step books and computer manuals.

Library Writer's Blog

This resource will help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library & information science, as well as other related fields. The blogger includes calls for papers, presentations, participation, reviewers, and other notices that he finds on the web.

Novel Writing - Suite 101

Suite�s team of professional Editors, Writers, and Course Developers facilitate discussion forums, operate blogs, and reach their loyal readers through RSS feeds and a monthly newsletter. Suite�s interactive, is amassed in 20 Sections, 400 topics, 90,000 articles and 40,000 discussion threads searchable in seconds.


The bog was developed by writer Angela Booth to help writers to build successful full-time writing careers. Designed as a fun, interactive training site, Pro Write provides an on-going series of practical workshops in fiction, nonfiction and copywriting.

Screenwriter John August

This blog, written by John August, is used to answer questions regarding screenwriting. You can search his site for answers and if the answers aren't there, you can email the question. Included in this site is a glossary of screenwriting terms.

Speculative Fiction Author's Blog

This is a blog written by Kelly Steed who is a sci-fi horror author and poet. She gives advice to writers and suggests links she feels are useful. She sometimes includes her poems or writes about her personal life.

The Quotations Page

This site contains quotes by author and by subject. Additionally, it contains a blog, book reviews, a forum for discussion of quotation-related topics, and biographies of their quoted authors. There is a Your Quotations Page, where members can store their favorite quotations.

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