sample Tweet Definition of sample Like Definition of sample on Facebook
  1. A part of anything presented for inspection, or shown as evidence of the quality of the whole; a specimen; as, goods are often purchased by samples.
"I design this but for a sample of what I hope more fully to discuss." -Woodward.
  1. (music production): gratuitous borrowing of easily recognised phases (or moments) from other music (or movies) in a recording, used to emphasize a particular point by implying a certain context.
  2. Example; pattern. Obs.
"Thus he concludes, and every hardy knight His followed." -Fairfax.
  • Dutch: monster
    1. Dutch, monster
    2. French: échantillon
    3. German: Probe
    4. Italian: campione
    5. Spanish: muestra
verb (samples, sampling, sampled)
  1. To make or show something similar to; to match.
  2. To take or to test a sample or samples of; as, to sample sugar, teas, wools, cloth.
    Etymology: sample, asaumple, essample, example, from exemplum.

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