salute Tweet Definition of salute Like Definition of salute on Facebook
  1. A formal gesture done in honor of someone or something, usually with the hand or hands in one of various particular positions.
The soldiers greeted the dignitaries with a crisp .
  1. Any action done for the purpose of honor or tribute .
The orchestra performed the concert as a to Gershwin.
    verb (salutes, saluting, saluted)
    1. To make a gesture in honor of someone or something.
    They saluted the flag as it passed in the parade.
    1. To act in thanks, honor, or tribute; to thank or extend gratitude.
    I would like to the many dedicated volunteers that make this project possible.
      Etymology: from Latin salutare "to greet", lit. "wish health to," from salus (gen. salutis) "greeting, good health", related to salvus "safe".

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