random Tweet Definition of random Like Definition of random on Facebook
  1. (colloquial) An undefined, unknown or unimportant person; a person of no consequence.
The party was boring. It was full of randoms.
    1. All outcomes being equally probable
    He arranged the cards in order.
    1. Unpredictable
    The outcome of a fair coin flip is .
    1. Lacking statistical correlation.
    The results look by several different measures.
    1. Having apparent lack of plan, cause or reason
    The narrative takes a course.
    1. (colloquial) Apropos of nothing; lacking context
    That was a completely comment.
    The teacher's bartending story was interesting, but .
    1. (colloquial) From the population at large
    I don't want people to be able to access this account.
    I know I must seem completely right now. I'm just nervous about asking you out.
    1. (colloquial) absurd, unexpected, humorous
    What you just said was so .
    1. (colloquial) Undistinguished, average, common. Originated in hacker's slang. Source: w:Jargon File, Jargon File
    2. (colloquial, probably US only) Lacking poise
    • Dutch: toevallig
    Etymology: From randon, from randir to gallop, of Germanic origin. Used in English since the 14th Century.

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