quantity Tweet Definition of quantity Like Definition of quantity on Facebook
noun (quantities)
  1. A fundamental, generic term used when referring to the measurement (count, amount) of a scalar, vector, number of items or to some other way of denominating the value of a collection or group of items.
You have to choose between and quality.
  1. An indefinite amount of something
Some soap making oils are best as base oils, used in larger quantities in the soap, while other oils are best added in small quantities.
Olive oil can be used practically in any .
  1. A specific measured amount
This bag would normally costs $497.50 for a of 250, at a price of $1.99 per piece.
Generally it should not be used in quantities larger than 15 percent.
  1. A considerable measure or amount
The Boeing P-26A was the first all-metal monoplane fighter produced in for the U.S. Army Air Corps.
    Etymology: From quantitas, quantity, literally muchness, from quantum, how much

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