profile Tweet Definition of profile Like Definition of profile on Facebook
  1. (countable) the outermost shape, view, or edge of an object
    His fingers traced the of the handle.
  2. (countable} the shape, view, or shadow of a person's head from the side
    The brooch showed the of a Victorian woman.
  3. (countable) a summary or collection of information, especially about a person
    Law enforcement assembled a of the suspect.
  4. (uncountable) reputation
  5. (uncountable) the amount by which something protrudes
    Choose a handle with a low so it does not catch on things.
  6. (uncountable) prominence; noticeability
    Acting is, by nature, profession in which one must keep a high .
    verb (profil, ing)
    1. to create a summary or collection of information, especially about a person
    2. to act based on such a summary; especially, to act on a stereotype. See profiling.
      Etymology: From profilo.

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