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Pandeism Tweet Definition of Pandeism Like Definition of Pandeism on Facebook
noun (plural: uncountable)
  1. (archaic) a secret religious sect hypothosized to exist in a range extending from India to Europe and Northern Africa
I am induced to think that this was a doctrine, which had been received both by Buddhists and Brahmins. w:Godfrey Higgins, Godfrey Higgins, w:Anacalypsis, Anacalypsis: An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis: Or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions (1833), p.439.
  1. the belief that god became part of the universe in the process of creating it.

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pandeism Tweet Definition of pandeism Like Definition of pandeism on Facebook
  1. A belief in a God who is both pantheistic and deistic, e.g. a God who designed the universe and then created it by becoming the universe, thus ceasing to act consciously with respect to the universe.
2007: Alex Ashman, BBC News, Metaphysical Isms (5th September 2007):
  • Pandeism is the belief that a god gave up their status as a god to become the universe, and is thus based on the ideals of deism.
1997: Pastor Bob Burridge, Theology Proper - Lesson 4: The Decrees of God:
  • The reality of secondary causes is what separates Christian theism from .
  • 1995: w:Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque Journal "Marine's Ballad Honors Soldiers, Trappist Monks", (Saturday, November 11, 1995) p. B-10:
  • He describes his current spiritual position as or pan-en-deism, something very close to the Native American concept of the all- pervading Great Spirit.
  • 1967: w:F.E. Peters, Francis E. Peters, Greek Philosophical Terms: A Historical Lexicon, p. 169:
  • What appeared here, at the center of the Pythagorean tradition in philosophy, is another view of psyche that seems to owe little or nothing to the pan-vitalism or pan-deism (see theion) that is the legacy of the Milesians.
  • 1964: w:Charles Hartshorne, Charles Hartshorne, Man's Vision of God and the Logic of Theism, p. 348:
  • Just as absolute perfection in some respects, relative perfection in all others is the whole positive content of perfection, so CW, or the conception of the Creator-and-the-Whole-of-what-he-has-created as constituting one life, the super-whole which in its everlasting essence is uncreated (and does not necessitate just the parts which the whole has) but in its de facto concreteness is created - this panentheistic doctrine contains all of deism and except their arbitrary negations.
    1. (rare) Worship that admits or tolerates favorable aspects of all religions; omnitheism.
  • 2005: Conrad Baker, The Three Powers Of Armageddon : An Exposition of Revelation 16:13-16:
  • The Church of Rome uses the term "", to describe her current program of bringing under her wing the non-Christian religions of the world.
  • 1991: w:J. Sidlow Baxter, J. Sidlow Baxter, The Most Critical Issue:
  • If the Bible is only human lore, and not divine truth, then we have no real answer to those who say, 'Let's pick the best out of all religions and blend it all into Pan-Deism - one world religion with one god made out of many'.
  • 1918: w:Yale University, Yale University w:Sheffield Scientific School, Sheffield Scientific School, Yale Sheffield Monthly'', p. 463:
  • We hear men prophecy that this war means the death of Christianity and an era of Pandeism or perhaps even the destruction of all which we call modern civilization and culture. We hear men predict that the ultimate result of the war will be a blessing to humanity.
  • Translations: 
    • Dutch: pandeí¯sme(nl)m
    • French: pandéisme(fr)m
    • German: Pandeismus(de)m
    • Italian: pandeismo(it)m
    • Spanish: pandeí­smo(es)m
    Etymology: (wikipedia, Pandeism)(blend, pantheism, deism); from (pín) "all" and deus, "god". First used in the variation "Pandeisten" (pandeists) by w:Moritz Lazarus, Moritz Lazarus and w:Heymann Steinthal, Heymann Steinthal in Zeitschrift fír Vílkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft (1859), p. 262.

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