marmoreal Tweet Definition of marmoreal Like Definition of marmoreal on Facebook
  1. resembling marble or a marble statue
  • 1949: If, as I said, his fingertips arrived at this, perhaps her flesh, and lazy, was hardly aware that these were, in fact, fingertips, and not for example, nails or knuckles. - Italo Calvino, Difficult Loves
  • 1950: Irma had collapsed into a chair, and her long face was buried in her hands. " Mervyn Peake, Gormenghast
  • 1985: The gods, of course, were a quite farcical invention, though necessary for the as it were exaltation of the civic virtues. " Anthony Burgess, Kingdom of the Wicked
  • Etymology: From Latin marmoreus, from marmor "marble".

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