Your Query of 'lord' Resulted in 2 Matches
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Lord Tweet Definition of Lord Like Definition of Lord on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. God
  2. (Christianity) Jesus
  3. An aristocratic title used as a form of address for a marquis, earl, or viscount; the usual style for a baron; a courtesy title for a younger son of a duke or marquis; a title for certain high officials and dignitaries such as Lord Mayor; a title for a bishop

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    lord Tweet Definition of lord Like Definition of lord on Facebook
    1. (context, Obsolete) The master of a household.
    2. A person having formal authority over others, a ruler.
    3. A person enjoying great respect in a community.
      • lords of a profession
        1. An aristocrat, a man of high rank in a feudal society or in one that retains feudal forms and institutions.
        2. An owner, a master.
        3. A titled nobleman
        4. (context, familiar, dated) An affectionate term for one's boyfriend or husband.
    • Italian: nobile , , nobiluomo , nobildonna
    • French: seigneur , monsieur
    • German: Gebieter
    • Spanish: seí±or
      (trans-bottom) (trans-top, titled nobleman)
    1. (context, intransitive, lang=en) domineer, Domineer or act like a lord
    • Italian: dominare, governare
    Etymology: From hlaford, hlÄford, originally literally "loaf-guardian".

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