inanition Tweet Definition of inanition Like Definition of inanition on Facebook
  1. emptiness, Emptiness.
  • 1955, One would have said that two children had taken it into their heads to see how many times they could turn before they dropped, and that the people had gathered to watch out of sheer . " Paul Bowles, The Spider's House
  • 1995, A message on the bathroom shaving glass " / THEYVE TAK " and then the flat tube"s . " Anthony Burgess, Byrne
    1. (medicine) A state of advanced lack of adequate nutrition, food or water, or a physiological inability to utilize them; starvation.
  • 1850, I was now nearly sick from , having taken so little the day before - Jane Eyre: by Charlotte Bronte
    1. (philosophy) A spiritual emptiness or lack of purpose or will to live, akin to the Existentialist Philosophy state of "nausea"
    2. Sartre.2C_Camus_and_the_French_existentialists.
  • Etymology: From Latin inanire "make empty", from inanis "empty, vain".

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