harangue Tweet Definition of harangue Like Definition of harangue on Facebook
  1. An impassioned, disputatious public speech.
  2. A tirade or rant, whether spoken or written.
She gave her son a about the dangers of playing in the street.
  • Spanish: sermón
verb (harangu, es)
  1. (transitive) To give a forceful and lengthy lecture or criticism to someone.
The angry motorist leapt from his car to the other driver.
The priest took thirty minutes to deliver his on timeliness, making the entire service run late.
    Etymology: Middle English arang and French harangue, from Old Italian aringa (modern Italian arringa) from aringare "speak in public" (modern Italian arringare), from aringo "public assembly", from a Germanic source such as Old High German hring "ring".

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