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  1. An archeological investigation
  • German: Grabung , Ausgrabung
verb (digs, digging, dug)
  1. To move hard-packed earth out of the way, especially downward to make a hole with a shovel. Or to drill etc. through rocks, roads, etc.
They dug an eight foot deep ditch along the side of the road.
In the wintertime, heavy truck tires into the road, forming potholes.
If the plane can't pull out of the dive it is in, it'll a hole in the ground.
  1. (italbrac, with "into") To research a particular subject.
She is going to into Egyptian basket-weaving this semester.
  1. (slang) To appreciate, or like.
Baby, I you.
  1. (slang) To understand or show interest in.
You ?
    Etymology: From Middle English diggen, probably cognate with dike, ditch, Dutch dijk, French digue, diguer, German Deich, Romanian dig, Spanish digue, etc.

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