checkmate Tweet Definition of checkmate Like Definition of checkmate on Facebook
  1. The conclusive victory in a game of chess that occurs when an opponent's king has no possible move that can remove him from check, the threat of attack.
  2. (figuratively, by extension) Any situation that has no obvious escape and involves some personal loss.
  • Dutch: schaakmat
  • German: Schachmatt
  • Spanish: jaque mate , mate
    1. Spanish, mate
verb (checkmat, ing)
  1. (transitive, chess) To put the king of an opponent into checkmate.
That jerk checkmated me in four moves!
  1. (transitive, by extension) To lead to a situation that has no obvious escape without some personal loss.
    Etymology: From (Pers.) (fa-Arab, Ù Ù) (ÅÄh mÄt), the king is dead or the king is conquered (borrowed through Middle English chekmat, through Old French eschec mat).

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