Your Query of 'bug' Resulted in 2 Matches
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Bug Tweet Definition of Bug Like Definition of Bug on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. the Bug River, flowing northwest 450 mile, mi. between Belarus and Poland.
  2. the Bug River in the Ukraine, flowing 530 mile, mi. to the Dnieper estuary.

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    bug Tweet Definition of bug Like Definition of bug on Facebook
    1. An insect of the order Hemiptera (the "true bugs").
    2. A colloquial name for any insect or arachnid that"s a pest.
    These flies are a bother. I"ll get some spray and kill them.
    1. Various species of marine crustaceans; e.g. a Morton Bay bug.
    2. A problem that needs fixing, especially in computing.
    The computer program has a in it.
    1. A contagious illness; a bacterium or virus causing it.
    He"s got the flu .
    1. An enthusiasm for something; an obsession.
    I think he"s a gold , he has over 10,000 ounces in storage.
    to catch the skiing
    1. An electronic listening device.
    We installed a in her telephone.
    1. A small or invisible image on a World Wide Web page, used to track persons who viewed it.
    He suspected the image was a web used for determining who was visiting the site.
    1. A small, usually transparent or translucent image placed in a corner of a television program to indicate what network or cable channel is televising it.
    He did not like the network that appeared onscreen.
    1. (figurative) A manually positioned marker in flight instruments.
    2. A semi-automated telegraph key.
      • 1938, Paul Gallico, Farewell to Sport, p257
      • :At this point your telegraph operator, sitting at your right, goes "Ticky-tick-tickety-de-tick-tick," with his , as he calls his transmitter, and looks at you expectantly.
      • 1942, Arthur Reinhold Nilson, Radio Code Manual, p134
      • :As far as the dashes are concerned, the is the same in operation as any regular key would be if it were turned up on edge instead of sitting flat on the desk.
      • 1986, E. L. Doctorow, World's Fair, p282
      • :I was a very good radio operator. I bought my own . That's what the telegraph key in its modern form was called. It was semiautomatic.
    • Dutch: bug
    • French: logo
    • Italian: logo della rete
    • German: Ungeziefer
    verb (bugs, bugging, bugged)
    1. (context, informal, transitive) To annoy.
    Don"t me, I"m busy!
    1. (transitive) To install an electronic listening device or devices in.
    We need to know what"s going on. We"ll his house.
    • French: poser des mouchards
    • German: verwanzen

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