norm |
| noun
- (the norm) That which is regarded as normal or typical.
- Unemployment is the norm in this part of the country.
- (sociology) A rule that is enforced by members of a community
- (mathematics) A mode or average
- (analysis) A function, denoted , v, or , , v, , , that maps vectors to non-negative scalars and has the following properties:
- , v, > 0 or , v, = 0 iff v = 0;
- given a scalar k, , kv, = , k, ., v, , where , k, is the absolute value of k;
- given two vectors v and w, , v + w, ≤ , v, + , w, (the triangle inequality).
- (analysis) To endow (a vector space, etc) with a norm.
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