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barrio Tweet Definition of barrio Like Definition of barrio on Facebook
  1. (informal) An area or neighborhood in a US city inhabited primarily by people speaking Spanish or of Hispanic origin.
beat Tweet Definition of beat Like Definition of beat on Facebook
  1. A pulsation or throb.
  2. A pulse on the beat level, the metric level at which pulses are heard as the basic unit. Thus a beat is the basic time unit of a piece.
  3. A rhythm.
  4. A pause with the camera focused on one shot, often a characters face (often used in screenplays/teleplays).
  5. The route of a patrol by a guard or officer as in walk the beat.
  6. In newspapering, the primary focus of a reporter's stories (such as police/courts, education, city government, business, etc.).
  7. A small part of a dramatic play.
verb (beats, beating, beat, beaten)
  1. To hit; to knock; to pound; to strike.
As soon as she heard the news, she went into a rage and the wall with her fists until her knuckles bled.
  1. To strike or pound repeatedly, usually in some sort of rhythm.
He danced hypnotically while she the atabaque.
  1. To win against; to defeat; to do better than, outdo, or excel someone in a particular, competitive event.
Jessica had little trouble beating John in tennis. He lost five games in a row.
No matter how quickly Joe finished his test, Roger always him.
  1. (context, intransitive, nautical) To sail to windward using a series of alternate tacks across the wind.
  2. To mix food in a rapid fashion. cf. whip.
Beat the eggs and whip the cream.
  1. (gay slang) fabulous
Her makeup was beat!
  1. exhausted
After the long day, she was feeling completely .
beatnik Tweet Definition of beatnik Like Definition of beatnik on Facebook
noun (beatniks)
  1. A young man or woman associated with the Beat Generation.
behavior Tweet Definition of behavior Like Definition of behavior on Facebook
  1. The way an animal or human behaves or acts.
  2. The way matter moves.
Big Brother Tweet Definition of Big Brother Like Definition of Big Brother on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. The nominal leader of Oceania in w:George Orwell, George Orwell's novel w:Nineteen Eighty-Four, Nineteen Eighty-Four.
  2. By extension, a disparaging name for government surveillance considered to be too intrusive.
big sister Tweet Definition of big sister Like Definition of big sister on Facebook
noun (plural big sisters)
  1. A sibling's older sister (used especially by children or by parents in speaking to their children).
blackness Tweet Definition of blackness Like Definition of blackness on Facebook
  1. The property of being black.
    The of outerspace comes from the lack of anything to reflext light rather than the absence of black.
blight Tweet Definition of blight Like Definition of blight on Facebook
  1. any of many plant diseases causing damage to, or the death of, leaf, leaves, fruit or other parts
  2. the bacterium, virus or fungus that causes such a condition
  3. (context, by extension) anything that impedes growth or development or spoils any other aspect of life
  1. (intransitive) to suffer blight
  2. (transitive) to cause to suffer blight
  3. (transitive) to spoil or ruin (something)
book burning Tweet Definition of book burning Like Definition of book burning on Facebook
  1. The destruction, removal, or recalling of books, motion pictures, electronic games, the taking of television programs of the air, or the shutting down of Web sites as a form of censorship, especially motivated by religious or political objections to the material.
bracket Tweet Definition of bracket Like Definition of bracket on Facebook
  1. Item attached to a wall to hold up a shelf.
  2. Generically any of "(", ")", "", "", "{", "}", and, in the area of computer languages, "<", ">".
  3. "(" and ")" specifically, the other forms above requiring adjectives for disambiguation.
  4. (Technical) "" and "" specifically - opposed to the other forms which have their own technical names.
  5. (sports)
  1. printed diagram of games in a tournament
  2. prediction of the outcome of games in a tournament, used for betting purposes
    1. one of several ranges of numbers
    tax bracket, age bracket
  1. To bound on both sides, to surround as enclosing with brackets.
I tried to hit the bullseye by first bracketing it with two shots and then splitting the difference with my third, but I missed.

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