Your Query of 'phalanx' Resulted in 2 Matches
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Phalanx Tweet Definition of Phalanx Like Definition of Phalanx on Facebook
  1. The brand name of a radar-controlled rapid fire 20mm w:Gatling_gun, Gatling-type machine gun, the Phalanx CIWS (pronounced see-wiz), deployed on U.S. Navy ships as a last line of defense against antiship cruise missiles.

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phalanx Tweet Definition of phalanx Like Definition of phalanx on Facebook
noun (es, pl2=phalanges)
  1. (italbrac, plural phalanxes) An ancient Greek military unit that consisted of several ranks and files (lines) of soldiers in close array with joined shields and long spears.
  2. (italbrac, plural phalanges) One of the bones of the finger or toe, also called phalange.
  3. (italbrac, plural phalanxes) a large group of people, animals or things, compact or closely massed, or tightly knit and united in common purpose.
    The pop star was encased in a of bodyguards.
    The general appeared dignified with a of medals decorating his uniform.

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