likely Tweet Definition of likely Like Definition of likely on Facebook
adjective (likeli, er, more)
  1. probable; having a good chance of occuring
Rain is later this afternoon.
  1. probable; Possessing or displaying the qualities or characteristics that make something probable
They are to become angry with him.
  1. appropriate; believable; having a good potential
Jones is a candidate for management.
  1. plausible; Within the realm of credibility
not a very excuse.
  1. suitable; Apparently appropriate or suitable
There were several candidates for the job.
  1. promising; Apt to achieve success or yield a desired outcome
a topic for investigation.
  1. Attractive; pleasant
found a spot under a shady tree for the picnic.
    Etymology: Middle English likly, from Old English gelclc(from gelc, similar), and from Old Norse lkligr(from lkr, similar); see lk- in Indo-European roots.

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