fuss Tweet Definition of fuss Like Definition of fuss on Facebook
  1. (countable or uncountable) excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something
They made a big about the wedding plans.
What's all the about?
  1. a complaint or noise
If you make enough of a about the problem, maybe they'll fix it for you.
  1. an exhibition of affection or admiration
They made a great over the new baby.
  1. Future Utah Student Section or Former Utah Student Section
    verb (fuss, es)
    1. (intransitive) to be very worried or excited about something, often too much.
    His grandmother will never quit fussing over his vegetarianism.
    1. (intransitive) to fiddle; fidget; wiggle, or adjust; to worry something
    Quit fussing with your hair. It looks fine.

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