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  1. A body of armed men to attend a person of distinction for the sake of affording safety when on a journey; one who conducts some one as an attendant; a guard, as of prisoners on a march; also, a body of persons, attending as a mark of respect or honor; -- applied to movements on land, as convoy is to movements at sea.
The troops of my marched at the ordinary rate. -Burke.
  1. Protection, care, or safeguard on a journey or excursion; as, to travel under the escort of a friend.
  2. A Ford Escort
    1. To attend with a view to guard and protect; to accompany as safeguard; to give honorable or ceremonious attendance to; -- used esp. with reference to journeys or excursions on land; as, to escort a public functionary, or a lady; to escort a baggage wagon.
      Etymology: escorte, scorta a guard or guide, from scorgere to perceive, discern, lead, from ex out, quite + corrigere to correct, set right. See correct.

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