brick Tweet Definition of brick Like Definition of brick on Facebook
  1. A hardened block of mud, clay, etc, used for building.
This house is made of bricks.
  1. (uncountable) Considered collectively, as a building material.
This house is made of .
  1. (basketball) A shot which misses, particularly one which bounces directly out of the basket.
We can't win if we keep throwing up bricks from three-point land.
  1. Term of endearment, especially towards a subject who has performed a favour of an act of kindness without expectation of reciprocity.
Thanks for helping me wash the car. You're a .
  1. (slang) An electronic device, especially a heavy box-shaped one, that has been rendered non-functional and, usually, non-repairable.
  2. (colloquial) a mobile phone, especially one that is large and/or heavy relative to current models
  3. (colloquial) An external power supply consisting of a small box with an integral male power plug and an attached electric cord terminating in a power plug. A power brick.
  • Dutch: baksteen
  • French: brique
  • German: Backstein, Ziegel
  • Italian: mattone
  • Spanish: ladrillo
  1. (slang) To hit someone using a brick.
  2. (rfv-sense) (slang) To be a high state of anxiety: "Bricking it"
  3. (rfv-sense) (slang) To make an electronic device nonfunctional and usually unrepareable, resulting in a device with a utility on par with a masonry brick.
My VCR was bricked during the lightning storm.
    1. Made of brick.
    All that was left after the fire was the chimney.

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