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November 11, 2023 Tweet Word of the Week Like Word of the Week on Facebook
Word of the Week--"taboo"
Definition--anything which is banned or disapproved of by social custom. The act of setting a person or thing apart as sacred, unclean, or cursed.
Discussion--A taboo person or thing can be especially attractive, so remember:

If something is taboo, it is something you should not do.
If something is banned, the taboo is in force as planned.
If something is all right, the taboo veil is out of sight.

If someone is taboo, it is someone you should not woo.
If someone is trouble, the taboo is in force double.
If someone is beyond reproach, no taboo should ere approach.


Etymology--Taboo came into English use around 1780 and was borrowed from Tongan, the language spoken in the South Pacific island country of Tonga. In Tongan, taboo is generally an adjective; using it as a noun and a verb are English innovations. The following languages all show the same Tongan roots.

   Foreign Translations
German:  Tabu (nt)
Dutch:  taboe (het)
French:  tabou (m)
Italian:  tabù
Spanish:  tabú

Jane Ellis      Tweet Word of the Week Like Word of the Week on Facebook

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