witness Tweet Definition of witness Like Definition of witness on Facebook
  1. attestation, Attestation of a fact or event.
She can bear , since she was there at the time.
  1. One who has a personal knowledge of something.
As a to the event, I can tell you that he really said that.
  1. Someone called to give evidence in a court.
The for the prosecution did not seem very credible.
  • Dutch: getuige
verb (witness, es)
  1. (transitive) To furnish proof of, to show.
This certificate witnesses his presence on that day.
    • 1667: round he throws his baleful eyes / That witness'd huge affliction and dismay " John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book 1 ll. 56-7
      1. (transitive) To take note of.
      Witness the lack of growth despite his efforts.
      1. (transitive) To see, note, or gain knowledge of.
      He witnessed the accident.
      1. (intransitive) (with the preposition to) To preach at someone.
      "I don't really want to be actively harrassed (I mean witnessed to) (...)"<ref> Raising children with a Christian (and extended fam)</ref>
    Etymology: witnes

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