sound Tweet Definition of sound Like Definition of sound on Facebook
  1. A sensation perceived by the ear caused by the vibration of air or some other medium. (He turned when he heard the of footsteps behind him.)
Nobody made a .
  1. A vibration capable of causing this.
    1. (intransitive) To produce a sound.
    When the horn sounds, be careful.
    1. (rfex) (transitive) To state or utter, especially with deliberation; to repeat.
    2. (transitive) To cause to produce a sound.
    He sounds the instrument.
    1. (intransitive) To arise or to be recognizable as arising within a particular area of law.
    "There can be no doubt that claims brought pursuant to § 1983 in tort."
    -City of Monterey v. Del Monte Dunes at Monterey, Ltd., 526 U.S. 687, 709 (1999).
    • Dutch: klinken, geluid maken, toon voortbrengen
    • French: sonner(fr)
    • German: de(de, klingen}}, {{t-)erklingen
    • Italian: suonare(it)
    • Spanish: sonar(es)
    adjective (sounder, soundest)
    1. healthy, Healthy.
    He was safe and .
    1. complete, Complete, solid, or secure.
    Fred assured me the floorboards were .
    1. (context, British, slang) Good or a good thing.
    "How are you?" - "I'm ."
    That's a track you're playing.

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