Your Query of 'slough' Resulted in 2 Matches
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Slough Tweet Definition of Slough Like Definition of Slough on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. A town in west London, close to Heathrow Airport

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slough Tweet Definition of slough Like Definition of slough on Facebook
noun (wikipedia, slough (wetland))
  1. A muddy or marshy area.
    • 1883 "That comed - as you call it - of being arrant asses," retorted the doctor, "and not having sense enough to know honest air from poison, and the dry land from a vile, pestiferous . — w:Treasure Island, Treasure Island, w:Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Louis Stevenson
      1. (italbrac, Eastern US) A type of swamp or shallow lake system, typically formed as or by the backwater of a larger waterway, similar to a bayou with trees.
      We paddled under a canopy of trees through the .
      1. (italbrac, Western US) A secondary channel of a river delta, usually flushed by the tide.
      The w:Sacramento River Delta, Sacramento River Delta contains dozens of sloughs that are often used for water-skiing and fishing.
      1. A state of depression.
      John is in a .
    1. (transitive) To shed (skin).
    A week after he was burned, a layer of skin on his arm sloughed off.

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